Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Below is a list of legal support services, including community legal centres, low cost or free legal advice and support, victim support services and private law firms specialising in family and domestic violence and/or family law. If you cannot find local legal support services for your area, there is a list of state and national legal support services at the bottom of this page.
The Victim Support Service provides free, confidential counselling and support services for all victims of crime. These services are provided by professional counsellors and trained volunteers.
Services available to victims of crime include:
Legal Aid WA provides a wide range of services for family law and children’s matters. Services include:
Family Violence If you’re experiencing family violence you can speak to a KCLS lawyer for advice on how to protect yourself and your children. A lawyer can help you to plan for your safety, speak with the Police or apply for or vary a Violence Restraining Order. Family Law – Children A lawyer at KCLS can speak to you before you attend Family Dispute Resolution to give you advice on your rights and options before you go to FDR. If you can’t reach an agreement at FDR or your situation is too urgent to wait for FDR, you can speak to a lawyer at KCLS about your options. Care and Protection In these situations a lawyer at KCLS can speak to you about how the child protection law works and advise you on your rights. They can also help you to develop plans, speak to CPFS and tell your side of the story. You don’t have to wait until you’re in Court to speak with a lawyer. You can talk to a lawyer at KCLS as soon as you get paperwork from CPFS or are asked to have a meeting with them. It’s usually better to speak to a lawyer as soon as possible, to see if things can be sorted out before Court. If you go to Court we may be able to help you tell your story to the Court and CPFS. Kimberley Community Legal Service provides an outreach service from Broome to Dampier Peninsula, Derby and Fitzroy Crossing.
HFM Legal can assist with:
Services offered include:
• Family Law
• Child Protection
• Criminal Injury Compensation
• Family Violence Restraining Orders
• Non-legal Support
• Social Support
Also providing service to Derby, Lombadina, Looma*, Yurmulun* and Mowanjum.
If you think you may be eligible for Criminal Injury Compensation you can contact the Aboriginal Family Law Service for initial advice. If you appear to meet the criteria of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, they can assist you to prepare your application.
In some cases a person can ask for compensation even if they were not the direct victim of the offence. They can assist by:
Is a voluntary and free service available to victims of crime.
The Women’s Legal Service WA is a free community legal centre providing legal advice, support and advocacy to WA women experiencing disadvantage. They can assist women with:
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) provide information and referral, a low-cost legal advice service on a wide range of issues, and a mediation service.
Their services include: