Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Below is a list of medical support services, including:
General practices (GPs)
Medical centres
Community medical services
Women’s health centres
If you cannot find local medical support services for your area, there is a list of state and national medical support services at the bottom of this page, including those offering medical advice and telehealth services.
The South West Health Campus in Bunbury is the major medical centre for the region and is a Regional Resource Centre under the WA Health Clinical Services Framework.
It incorporates 24-hour emergency care with a wide range of support services including an acute psychiatric unit, coronary care unit, cancer centre, domiciliary care unit, geriatric assessment unit, hospice care unit, maintenance renal dialysis unit, obstetric services, paediatric services and a dental unit.
Information and advice is available on all aspects of women’s health. Make an appointment to see a qualified nurse.
They provide telephone, one to one or community education on women’s health topics. They are also able to do pregnancy testing and offer follow up support.
The WA Poisons Information Centre (WAPIC) is an emergency phone service to the states of Western Australia and South Australia and the Northern Territory providing management advice in cases of suspected poisoning and known poisonings. Advice is also provided on drug information and poisoning prevention.