Norseman Great Western Travel Village

From budget motel rooms to self-contained 2 bedroom apartments
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Acclaim Gateway Tourist Park

Caravan and camping sites, ensuited cabins and chalets
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Norseman Community Health

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Eucla Silver Chain Health Service

Health Service
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The Norseman Public Library

The Norseman Public Library

The Library has access to all of the facilities of the Library & Information Service of WA (SLWA) and any inquiries should be made to the Library Officer.

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Norseman Hospital

Emergency Department
For emergency call 000.
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Norseman Community Resource Centre

Community Resource Centres (CRCs) are friendly, locally owned and operated service and information centres.
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Norseman Centrelink

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St John Ambulance – Cocklebiddy

St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
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St John Ambulance – Eucla

St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
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Police – Eucla

Local Police 
For emergency call 000.
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The Norseman Youth Centre

The Norseman Youth Centre is open to all youth aged 12 – 18 and operates under a “No School = No Youth Centre” policy. 


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Police – Dundas

The local Police station is located 81-87 Prinsep Street (adjacent to Rotunda). The Police are also the contact for the Blue Light Association.
For emergency call 000.
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St John Ambulance – Balladonia

St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
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Eucla Motel

Budget to superior accommodation. Pet friendly. Caravan powered sites available. 
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Mundarabilla Roadhouse

 Powered sites, motel units, some are pet friendly. 
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Goldfields Community Legal Centre Inc.

Goldfields Legal Centre Inc is a not for profit organization that is providing advice, casework, and information to low-income earners and other disadvantaged members of the community. 
Goldfields Legal Centre Inc provides outreach services to Leonora, Laverton, Esperance and Norseman on a regular basis, and are happy to arrange phone appointments for people outside these areas or who are unable to travel into the office.
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Esperance Crisis Accommodation Service

ECAS offers safe, secure and supported accommodation for women and children escaping family and domestic violence. At the refuge, staff can provide:
  • Information surrounding housing, legal and income issues
  • Bedding, food, clothing and toiletries if required
  • Support, advocacy, referrals and information
  • Support for Family Violence Restraining Order and accessing Legal Aid
  • Referrals for counselling
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Goldfields – Esperance Community Mental Health Service

Mental Health services are provided for people of all ages within the Shires of Esperance, Raventhorpe and Dundas, with an identifiable mental health problems, which is affecting their ability to function in everyday living.

These include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • attempts at Suicide
  • Eating Disorders
  • Acute transient psychosis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar
  • Substance abuse.

Community based mental health services in the country areas have clinics and centres that have professional staff including psychiatrists, social workers, mental health nurses, clinical psychologists and occupational therapists to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and ongoing support.

Clinical Programs include;

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • Youth Mental Health
  • Aboriginal Mental Health
  • Adult Mental Health;
  • Seniors Mental Health
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Department for Communities, Child Protection – Esperance

The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families. Contact them for assistance to access emergency accommodation.
The Esperance office has a small team of less than ten staff and is one of the four district offices in the Goldfields District. The office provides services to children and families in an area which covers Norseman 200 km to the north and Ravensthorpe 200km to the east. The office is located in Esperance town and shares a building with the Department of Education.
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