Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Below is a list of legal support services, including community legal centres, low cost or free legal advice and support, victim support services and private law firms specialising in family and domestic violence and/or family law. If you cannot find local legal support services for your area, there is a list of state and national legal support services at the bottom of this page.
The Aboriginal Family Law Services can assist people with their family law matters when there are children involved. They will represent clients in the Family Court WA, however much of their work involves helping clients to work out parenting agreements. Here are some things they can help with:
The Carnarvon office also services Burringurrah, Exmouth, Shark Bay and Onslow. |
The Midwest and Gascoyne Regional Office provides a duty lawyer for criminal matters in the Magistrates Court and Children’s Court in Carnarvon and circuits to the following towns:
Is a voluntary and free service available to victims of crime.
The Women’s Legal Service WA is a free community legal centre providing legal advice, support and advocacy to WA women experiencing disadvantage. They can assist women with:
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) provide information and referral, a low-cost legal advice service on a wide range of issues, and a mediation service.
Their services include: