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State and National LGBTQI+ Services Services

Living Proud LGBTI: Crisis Support

Living Proud provides essential services to LGBTQI+ communities via counselling phone lines, health and wellbeing initiatives and community capacity building.

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Sexual Health Quarters – Sexual Health Helpline

The Sexual Health Helpline provides confidential information and referrals from clinicians around contraception, sexually transmissible infections and unintended pregnancy.
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Start Out

Start Out is an organisation which aims to support people of diverse sexualities and genders, eradicate discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community, and educate the wider community on the effects of discrimination and exclusion on LGBTQ+ youth. 
Service offered is a peer Role Model to act as a mentor and personal support. 
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Diverse Communities and Social Services

Online and phone service and Advocacy
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The WA AIDS Council – Counselling Services

The WA AIDS Council offers counselling to people living with or affected by HIV, as well as their friends and family and the broader LGBTIQIA+ community. They also offer youth counselling for the LGBTIQIA+ community.
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WA AIDS Council

The Council provides counselling, wellness, referral, general and financial assistance to people living with HIV
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LGBTIQ+ Violence Service

The LGBTIQ+ Violence Counselling Service is for:
  • Anyone in Australia who is from the LGBTIQ+ community who has recently or in the past experienced sexual domestic or family violence
  • Family members, friends and supporters of someone from the LGBTIQ+ community who has experienced sexual domestic or family violence
  • Others who may be impacted by violence targeted toward the LGBTIQ+ community, including professionals.
Their service provides:
  • Professional trauma counselling provided by counsellors who have completed specialist training provided by ACON
  • 24/7 telephone support
  • Information and referral to other services
  • Vicarious trauma support and debrief for professionals
They assist with:
  • Managing the impacts of sexual domestic and family violence
  • Talking to supporters
  • Information about seeking assistance from Police
  • Information on medical help
  • Safety planning
  • Referrals
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Living Proud LGBTI: Mental Health Emergency

As WA’s main LGBTI community service our focus is on providing essential services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans* and intersex communities, including our peer counseling, phone line, health and wellbeing initiatives and community capacity building.
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Living Proud

WA’s main LGBTI community service their focus is on providing essential services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans* and intersex communities, including their peer counselling phone line, health and well-being initiatives and community capacity building. They also offer a number of training options for professionals including the Opening Closets Mental Health training and other half and full-day workplace training in order to improve accessibility for LGBTI people.
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