St Vincent de Paul Emergency Relief

Vinnies members respond to requests from people experiencing hardship in their local communities by providing emergency assistance such as food, clothing, household goods, help with utilities and referrals, advocacy, friendship and emotional support. 
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Northcliffe Family and Community Centre

The Family and Community Centre is a place where individuals can seek information, community groups can meet, workshops and events are facilitated and where the local youth group meets. It provides support to individuals, families, children and youth, creates opportunities for social interaction, self development and learning and is a multipurpose venue.
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Anglicare WA – Manjimup, Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling is for anyone seeking financial information. It is an inclusive service appropriate for people in a broad range of circumstances no matter where you live or how much you earn.
Anglicare WA’s Financial Counsellors are qualified to:

Make assessments of financial situations
Provide information and options to address financial problems
Assist with resolutions if necessary
Advocate and negotiate with creditors
Make referrals to other useful services in the community
Provide information about government assistance
Support clients to develop their own budget
Relay relevant information about consumer credit and bankruptcy

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South West Community Alcohol and Drug Service – Bunbury

The South West Community Drug Service Team is a specialist team working with clients within the south west of WA to reduce the harm associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs.

The team is multidisciplinary, working closely with mental health service providers, medical and health professionals, Department of Community Development, Department of Corrective Services, other human service providers and local communities.

Our aim is to provide (free of charge) easily accessible counselling and support for individual’s and their significant others and consultation, shared case management, education, training and counselling for the community of the South West.

Assists communities to reduce  the level of harmful alcohol and other drug use within their areas and currently work in the districts of Bunbury, Collie, Nannup and Manjimup. 
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Manjimup Community Resource Centre

Manjimup Community Resource Centre is your local connection to technology, internet access, local community information, and support services, ?we also provide free access and printing of government department information. 
Our staff deliver excellent services such as Centrelink, Department of Transport and can provide referral advice for local Veterans as an agent for Department of Veteran Affairs.
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Manjimup Police

Local Police
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Shire of Manjimup

Local Shire
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Warren Health Service

The Warren Health Service provides a 24 hour Emergency Department plus a range of specialist medical and allied health services. Please check the website for various services and phone numbers. 
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Department of Communities, Child Protection

The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families. Contact them for assistance to access emergency accommodation and for other family supports.
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Manjimup Medical Centre

We offer a holistic approach in caring for our patients.  Our doctors have a wide range of skills and can assist you in many areas. We have onsite pathology and friendly staff. 

Services include:

  • General health and well being
  • Preventative health
  • Immunisations
  • Travel health
  • Skin checks
  • Men’s health
  • Women’s health
  • Family planning 
  • Mental Health
  • Onsite Pathology
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Manjimup Library

The Manjimup Public Library and Art Gallery is located at the corner of Mount and Rose Streets, Manjimup. The  Library has a self service photocopy/scanning facility meaning you can scan and print A4 and A3 documents or images
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The Warren Blackwood Emergency Accommodation Centre

The Warren Blackwood Emergency Accommodation Centre is available to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including those experiencing domestic violence and young people over 16 years of age.  People who access this service (including their accompanying children) are provided with, or are assisted to access accommodation (which includes long-term accommodation and the appropriate support). They are provided with direct support or are assisted to access other services to address issues contributing to their homelessness.
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Waratah – Family Domestic Violence Coordinated Response Service

This service provides review and triages of Domestic Violence Incident Reports. This brief Intervention Model provides risk assessments, facilitates multi-agency case management on a needs basis and develops appropriate responses for families and individuals where incidences of family and domestic violence have occurred.
Family and Domestic Violence Coordinated Response Service is a Co-Location Response Model which includes the Department for Child Protection and Family Support and the WA Police; together, they form the Family and Domestic Violence Response Team.
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South West Community Legal Centre

The South West Community Legal Centre provides free or low cost legal advice, information, some minor assistance and casework and referrals to low income and disadvantaged and vulnerable people across the South West of Western Australia.
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