Understanding and responding to coercive control in the context of family and domestic violence

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Who is this training for?

This training is for frontline staff, primary responders and specialist family and domestic violence services working with victim-survivors experiencing family and domestic violence and their families.

This training explores the dynamics of coercion and control within the context of family and domestic violence. Frontline staff and primary responders to family and domestic violence often encounter situations where a person is subjecting their current or former partner to coercive controlling tactics. Recognising coercive control and understanding patterns of abuse is critical to better support the people you work with, and to help shape a safer community for all.

Learning outcomes

After completing this short training, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate the common features of coercive control
  • Categorise the coercive controlling behaviours of perpetrators
  • Describe the impacts of coercive control to women and children
  • Identify red flags and risk indicators of coercive control
  • Provide appropriate and trauma-informed approaches to victim-survivors or perpetrators of family and domestic violence


This online training, including the activity workbook, will take you approximately 2 and 1/2 hours to complete. The workbook contains eleven activities and multiple videos to watch. The links to these external videos are in the workbook.

The training contains two videos.

The first video is contains the Introduction, Part A Understanding coercive control and Part B Perpetrator behaviour categories.

The second video covers Part C Impacts of coercive control on victim-survivors and children, Part D ‘Red flags and risk factors and Part E Appropriate and trauma-informed responses to victim-survivors experiencing coercive control.

You can complete the online training in one sitting or at intervals when convenient. You have unlimited access.


As this training talks about FDV, please be aware that the content can prompt memories of trauma or other strong emotions.  Please take breaks if you need to and practice self-care.

If you need to talk to someone, please seek support from a colleague or supportive person, or call 1800 Respect or DVassist on 1800 080 083

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