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Play your part – Primary Prevention Ideas Community workshop

Goldfields Women’s Health Care Centre 15 Dugan St, Kalgoorlie WA 6430

9 AM- 12 PM: PRIMARY PREVENTION IDEAS WORKSHOP 12PM-1PM: LUNCH & AWARENESS RAISING OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 1PM- 4 PM: INDIVIDUAL MESSAGING SESSIONS (45 MINUTES/SESSION) DVassist is seeking expressions of interest from individuals and local organisations to attend a special primary prevention ideas workshop as part of the 16 Days of WA campaign! Held on […]

Vicarious Trauma and Self-Care

Sobering up Centre Hospital Campus, Cleaver Street, Carnarvon

All staff who are exposed to trauma as part of their work, are at risk of experiencing vicarious trauma. This 90-minute workshop provides participants with an overview of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout. It includes information on organisational prevention strategies and identifies self-care strategies for individuals working with victim-survivors of family and domestic violence. […]

Understanding and Responding to Coercive Control

Sobering up Centre Hospital Campus, Cleaver Street, Carnarvon

*A prerequisite for this training is the session "DVassist Introduction to Familv and Domestic Violence". It is also recommended to complete this session with "Risk Management and Safety Planning".

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