DVassist is a unique and innovative organisation that addresses the complex issue of abusive relationships in regional, rural and remote areas of Western Australia. Our journey began in 2017 when our founder, Esperance-based author Fleur McDonald, established an online information directory of family and domestic violence services called Breaking the Silence. During her frequent travels she had many conversations with people which demonstrated a need for a service that specifically provided people living in regional, rural and remote communities information about the options available to them when seeking advice and practical support.
Thanks to a Commonwealth Government grant we have been able to launch a telephone counselling service, an interactive website with live Web Chat and a comprehensive online information hub initially focusing on 16 regional areas of Western Australia covering the East and West Kimberly, Pilbara, Wheatbelt, Goldfields-Esperance, Great Southern, Geraldton and some parts of the South West. Subsequent funding from several grants and donors enabled us to expand to a total of 58 shires throughout regional, rural and remote Western Australia.
We assist people who are experiencing family and domestic violence in regional, rural, and remote WA to make informed choices that enhance their personal safety, and recover and heal from family and domestic violence. Our support extends to assisting family members and friends of those impacted by violence.
We do this through providing the following streams of support, all considered within the context of ongoing risk assessments, safety planning, and through a trauma-informed lens of support.
DVassist Counselling
Free and confidential counselling services are available with an FDV Specialist, via telephone or web chat, to explore issues such as risk, safety concerns, and current needs with the aim of identifying possible solutions, referral pathways, and positive support strategies, within a single session format and a scheduled multi-session format, depending on your individual preference. Multi-session counselling is suitable for those who are seeking additional specialist support and assistance in building up coping strategies and enhancing personal safety within the context of their unique situation and needs. Our online specialist healing and recovery focused counselling provide safe, trauma-informed, culturally safe and accessible services that support long-term recovery from the complex impacts of family and domestic violence.
Case Management
Short-term case management sessions involve identifying needs and clear goals self-determined by the individual accessing this support. The case manager then works alongside the individual to plan, support, and provide advocacy when needed to ensure that practical support is available, and goals are being achieved. Case management support may involve any or all of all the following: completion of a risk assessment, psycho education and ongoing safety planning, provision of information and options, and facilitating assisted referral pathways guided by your unique needs.
Online Information Hub and Service Directory
Our custom-built online information hub provides RRR focused information and assistance for people experiencing violence, and their family and friends, whatever stage they are at in relation to family and domestic violence.
The online directory provides easy to access information for the areas we are funded in RRR WA for people experiencing violence to find local and national/state assistance for a range of services related to family and domestic violence from crisis support, emergency accommodation, counselling, legal and financial advice, aged care, LGBTIQ+, multicultural, through to mental health and alcohol and drug support services. It is updated regularly by the DVassist team.
To provide access to counselling and support services for anyone impacted by family and domestic violence in regional, rural, and remote Australia.
To stand beside and empower those impacted by family and domestic violence.
Quality Services
Our client focused, independent services are innovative and reflect leading family and domestic violence practice.
Knowledge Source
We will gather evidence of the needs of people in RRR Australia to influence change.
Brand Recognition
We will ensure that regional, rural and remote Australia knows, trusts and recommends DVassist.
We will seek and nurture mutually beneficial partnerships that enable us to deliver our strategy and expand our services.
Our Team
We will have credible, skilled and experienced people delivering the governance, leadership and services of DVassist who understand RRR Australia.
Financial Sustainability
We will have a sustainable business model that is financially responsible, identifies opportunities and manages key risks.
Our Values.
The DVassist client is at the center of everything we do. Our ten core values are:
- Respect for the dignity of those we serve
- Compassion for others
- The absence of judgement in all our actions
- Belief in empowerment
- Understanding of vulnerability
- Importance of collaboration
- Genuine empathy for others
- Commitment to achieving social change
- Ensuring accuracy of available data
- Consistent delivery of high quality advice and support
Who we help?
Our primary focus is supporting anyone in regional Western Australian who is facing or experiencing domestic violence, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity or ability.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide assistance to people outside Western Australia. If you are outside Western Australia, please contact your nearest state domestic violence support service.
DVassist is supported by funding from the Australian Communities Foundation in partnership with Paul Ramsay Foundation.
DVassist is a Registered Charity (Public Benevolent Institution entity subtype) with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. It is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). All donations over $2 are tax deductible.