Menzies Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade

DFES works in collaboration with Western Australian communities and other government agencies to help prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from diverse hazards including fires, cyclones and floods, to name a few.

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Menzies Volunteer St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
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Menzies Hotel

Hotel open 7 days
  • Deli 7am-11am down side of hotel 
  • Counter Meals 5pm-7:45pm
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Menzies Nursing Post

The Nursing Post is still used for weekly Clinics run by visiting Nurses and monthly visits from the Flying Doctor.

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Grand Kooknyie Hotel

Cold beverages, Great Meals, Beer Garden, Swimming Pool for guests, Accommodation, Camping area, Pool table, Fuel available.

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Menzies Caravan Park

Powered caravan and camper sites, tent sites, modern ablution blocks, 1 x two bedroom Disability Cabin, 1 x two bedroom cabin
Bookings at the Menzies Visitor Centre during office hours.

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Lady Shenton Building

Visitor centre, community postal agency, public library.

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Menzies Community Resource Centre

The Centre has a dedicated computer within the centre providing free internet access to Government information.  Also provided is a diverse range of brochures, fact sheets and booklets on Government and non-Government services available.
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Menzies Aboriginal Corporation

Non for profit organisation who provides housing to Indigenous peoples in the Menzies townsite.

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Centrelink Menzies

Centrelink provides a range of services on behalf of Australian Government Departments including providing financial assistance for eligible candidates, support services for families, the elderly, the sick or injured, people with disabilities, young & adult job seekers, recent immigrants, carers, people undertaking or planning to undertake study or training, the self-employed, retired people & those planning retirement, the bereaved, people recently separated or divorced and people in crisis.
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Leonora Police

Leonora Police Coverage – Kookynie, Leonora, Menzies, Plumridge Lakes, Ularring
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