Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Domestic violence help
in regional WA
The Midwest and Gascoyne Regional Office provides a duty lawyer for criminal matters in the Magistrates Court and Children’s Court in Carnarvon and circuits to the following towns:
The Aboriginal Family Law Services can assist people with their family law matters when there are children involved. They will represent clients in the Family Court WA, however much of their work involves helping clients to work out parenting agreements. Here are some things they can help with:
The Carnarvon office also services Burringurrah, Exmouth, Shark Bay and Onslow. |
St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
Something for Everyone is a Onslow based Op Shop selling second hand goods.
VFRS firefighters can help:
The Onslow Public Library can provide computers for public use.
We have an emergent program that provides many learning opportunities based on children’s interests.
We also take part in weekly excursions to a community playgroup.
The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families. Contact them for assistance to access emergency accommodation.