Individual Disability Advocacy Service

Sussex Street Community Law Service Inc provides a NSDS Accredited advocacy services to people with disabilities, their family members and carers.
It is an independent free and confidential service to people in the regional areas of the Mid West, Goldfields/Esperance and the Great Southern areas of Western Australia.


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St Johns Ambulance Ravensthorpe

St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
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Ravensthorpe Public Library

Ravensthorpe Public Library provides a wide range of services to the community such as, internet access, government services, and children’s activities.
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Ravensthorpe Health Service

The Ravensthorpe Health Service has four permanent beds, one palliative care bed, three acute beds and 3 beds in emergency/outpatient facility.
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Ravensthorpe Community Resource Centre

Ravensthorpe Community Resource Centre (CRC) is a friendly, not-for-profit organisation committed to servicing the regional community of Ravensthorpe providing a diverse range of key community services for families living within surrounding areas. It is also home to the Ravensthorpe Public Library, Centrelink Access Point and is a TransWA agent.
The CRC is a community owned and operated organisation, which plays a vital role in providing much needed community services as well as venue and equipment hire.
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Livingston Medical

Dr Livingston is the Principal Doctor in Ravensthorpe and Hopetoun and along with his team of 2 nurses and visiting GPs and specialists, offers a range of services from Ravensthorpe Medical Centre and Hopetoun medical Centre.
Services include chronic health management, immunisations, wound care, telehealth services, skin checks and excisions, medicals, general appointments, diabetic care, asthma and COPD management, early pregnancy management, child health, PAP Smears, contraception, aboriginal health, work cover, pathology and specialist referrals.
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Hopetoun Police

WA Police is located in Hopetoun, Western Australia. Police and law enforcement.
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Ravensthorpe Police

Ravensthorpe coverage – Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald River National Park, Hatter Hill, Lake Camm, Lake King, Mount Madden, Munglinup, Ravensthorpe, Varley, West River


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Esperance Crisis Accommodation Service – Mobile Outreach

A Mobile Outreach service from Esperance to Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe. 
Esperance Crisis Accommodation Family and Domestic Violence Outreach provides support to women living with and escaping from domestic and family violence in rural, regional and remote areas.  Our support is flexible and assists people in real and practical ways.
We have a strong focus on safety and security.
Confidentiality is guaranteed
How we help.
Information and support, Safety Planning, Family and Domestic Violence Restraining Orders support, Support, advocacy, information & referrals to other services, Outside of refuge support, Assistance to stay in your home or access a refuge if required, Material Aid to help keep you safe, Case management
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Esperance Crisis Accommodation Service

ECAS offers safe, secure and supported accommodation for women and children escaping family and domestic violence. At the refuge, staff can provide:
  • Information surrounding housing, legal and income issues
  • Bedding, food, clothing and toiletries if required
  • Support, advocacy, referrals and information
  • Support for Family Violence Restraining Order and accessing Legal Aid
  • Referrals for counselling
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Department for Communities, Child Protection – Esperance

The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families. Contact them for assistance to access emergency accommodation.
The Esperance office has a small team of less than ten staff and is one of the four district offices in the Goldfields District. The office provides services to children and families in an area which covers Norseman 200 km to the north and Ravensthorpe 200km to the east. The office is located in Esperance town and shares a building with the Department of Education.
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