St John’s Ambulance – Sandstone

St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
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Sandstone Health Centre

The Nursing Post operates every Thursday with the additional services of the RFDS Doctor in attendance every second Thursday. In the event of an emergency the RFDS or the local Ambulance Service can be contacted on 000.
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Mount Magnet Police

Local WA Police 
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Murchison Outreach Service Mobile Clinic

The GRAMS mobile clinic travels to remote areas in the Mid West and Murchison region to provide health services to patients. A male and female health worker, doctor and podiatrist are part of the mobile clinic team. Services provided to patients during these trips include general medical care, chronic disease clinic, health promotion and dispensing of medication.
Mobile Clinic provides services to Mt Magnet, Yalgoo, Pia Wadjarri, Kardaloo Farm, Sandstone (by appointment), Meekatharra, Yula Jinna and Cue.
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Shire of Sandstone

Local government. 
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