People experiencing family and domestic violence in Morawa, Katanning, Narrogin and Merredin will soon have access to specialist counselling support by DVassist.
Our expansion into some of WA’s grain growing regions is made possible thanks to a $20,000 contribution from Western Australian farmers through the Harvest Mass Management Scheme (HMMS) – a joint initiative from CBH Group and Main Roads WA.
In addition to providing services to people in Morawa, Katanning, Narrogin and Merredin, a portion of the funding will be used to produce a series of educational videos which will look at family and domestic violence through a regional lens, as there are unique challenges facing people living on remote farms and in smaller regional communities, such as social isolation, physical distance from services and fear of community gossip.
DVassist understands these challenges, and people living in regional, rural and remote Western Australia now have a way to access specialist help and advice for family and domestic violence, regardless of their location and without compromising their safety or privacy.
Thank you so much to WA farmers, the CBH Group and Mainroads WA!