DVassist message hits the airwaves

Geraldton is the first to ‘hear’ our message.

On March 16, DVassist launched it’s first radio ad. It was launched in Geraldton on Southern Cross Australia’s HIT Geraldton station, will run on breakfast, morning, afternoon and drive, and includes an interview opportunity for the vital DVassist team. SCA have been wonderful in doubling our number of spots and our thanks go to Brad Thomas and the team. 

At DVassist, we have just started our journey to profile in mainstream media, the growing services we offer to remote, regional and rural West Australians’ experiencing family and domestic violence. To be able to get the message out to the community in the Geraldton area is a great next step to educating so many people about healthy relationships and the support available in their communities. 

The story behind the ad

The ad itself is a demonstration of the DVassist approach that includes  numerous volunteer talent from a range of ages, life stages and cultural backgrounds. First you hear different people talking about their relationships. The second part of the ad moves to what DVassist can do and how people can reach the services. Growing awareness of how to contact DVassist for support is critical in our strategy to improve the lives of so many West Australians in outback WA.  Thank you to all our volunteer talent and to the production team at Abes Audio. 

Why it’s important

DVassist have a regional WA domestic violence helpline that offers free telephone support and counselling service – 1800 080 083. The DVassist helpline is available to anyone living in regional WA. The service is operated by qualified and experienced counsellors. Services will soon grow to include web chat and extended hours of support. At all times, the website provides a local directory of support services in the initial 16 regions serviced by DVassist – Albany, Ashburton, Broome, Bunbury, Dalwallinu, Derby, Dowerin/Wyalkatchem/Goomalling, Esperance, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Northam, Port Hedland, Wyndham/East Kimberley, Wongan Ballidu and Yilgarn. 

Soon, with support, we hope to extend the radio messaging into these communities and the services into the rest of the State’s remote, regional and rural communities.


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