Below is a list of financial services, including financial counselling, planning and advice services. If you can’t find local financial support services for your area, there is a list of state and national financial support services at the bottom of this page.

Anglicare WA – Manjimup, Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling is for anyone seeking financial information. It is an inclusive service appropriate for people in a broad range of circumstances no matter where you live or how much you earn.
Anglicare WA’s Financial Counsellors are qualified to:

Make assessments of financial situations
Provide information and options to address financial problems
Assist with resolutions if necessary
Advocate and negotiate with creditors
Make referrals to other useful services in the community
Provide information about government assistance
Support clients to develop their own budget
Relay relevant information about consumer credit and bankruptcy

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State and National Financial Services Services

Uniting WA

Family violence
Paying the costs of moving to safety.
The Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) Program is available for people 18+ who have recently experienced family violence, have a changed living situation and are experiencing financial stress.
Please go to the Uniting WA website for more information. 
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Australian Red Cross – Family and Domestic Violence Program – Migration Support

The Family and Domestic Violence program is available to all people on temporary visas or with uncertain visa status, experiencing family and domestic violence and in need of financial support. Under the year-long pilot program, we will be providing up to $3,000 in financial assistance to people who are eligible to help cover expenses such as accommodation, food, and medical care.
You can apply online.

If you need support to complete your application, you can download a step-by-step guide

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Your Toolkit

The Financial Toolbox Women provides support to women and their children facing, or having faced, domestic violence and/or financial abuse. The Your Toolkit team does not provide direct support to individuals, but the website provides details for contacting  support services and help lines and women’s refuges.
The website includes information on: 
• Checklist of documents you need to take with you when leaving a relationship 
• How can your bank or financial advisor help if you are preparing to leave?
• Centrelink support payments and services
• Financial assistance for living costs
• Tenancy Information and Laws
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WAConnect is a free directory for service providers, and people looking for assistance. Users can search for food relief, financial counsellors, and emergency accommodation, among other services, and get a list of services that can provide assistance in the location that is convenient.
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Services Australia – Farm Household Allowance

A payment for farming families in financial hardship. To get this you must:

  • be a farmer or partner of a farmer, who spends a major part of your time and capital, working on the farm
  • meet the income and assets test limits
  • meet mutual obligation requirements. To get Farm Household Allowance (FHA) you must meet all the following:
  • be a farmer or partner of a farmer
  • be 16 years or older
  • contribute labour and capital to an Australian farm, or are the partner of a farmer who does
  • have income and assets below certain amounts
  • have had less than 4 years of FHA in the specific 10-year period.
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Services Australia – Crisis Payment

A one-off payment if you’ve experienced an extreme circumstance and are in severe financial hardship.
To get any of these payments, you must meet all of the following:
• Be in severe financial hardship
• Get, or, be eligible for an income support payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance
• Be experiencing an extreme circumstance.
To be eligible, you must be experiencing 1 of the following:
• You or someone you’re caring for are required to quarantine or self-isolate due to COVID-19
• You’ve experienced an incident of family and domestic violence
• You’ve had to leave your home because of a natural or other disaster not covered by a disaster relief payment
• You’ve arrived in Australia as a Humanitarian Entrant for the first time
• You were released from prison or psychiatric confinement.
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Rural West

Rural Financial Counselling Services WA (RFCS WA) services are available to:

  • All types of farming including livestock, grain, fruit and vegetables
  • Professional fishing
  • Forestry
  • Small rural businesses that support these industries, such as fencing, harvesting, spraying or stock management contracting.
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No Interest Loan Scheme

No Interest Loans (NILS) provide individuals and families on low incomes with access to safe, fair and affordable credit.
Loans are available for essential goods and services such as fridges, washing machines, car repairs and medical procedures for up to $1,500. Repayments are set at an affordable amount over 12 to 18 months.
Am I eligible?
• I have a Health Care Card / Pension Card or earn less than $45,000 a year after tax ($60,000 for couples or people with dependants)
• I have lived at my current or previous address for at least 3 months
• I can show that I have a capacity to repay the loan
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National Debt Hotline

National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit service that helps people tackle their debt problems. Their professional financial counsellors offer a free, independent and confidential service. 
The website provides information on:
• Your rights
• Risk of using credit
• Managing your debt
• Seeking extra funds
• Extreme financial difficulties 
Live chat with a financial counsellor Weekdays 9:30am – 4:30pm. You can send a message outside these hours and a financial counsellor will get back to you.
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We’re committed to helping Australians of all ages, backgrounds and incomes to increase their financial well-being and build a better life. The website provides guidance on:
• Banking and Budgeting
• Loans, Credit and Debt
• Investing and Planning
• Super and Retirement
• Insurance
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CWA of WA Sir James Mitchell Fund

The Sir James Mitchell Fund is used to assist those who may need a helping hand. Applications for assistance are considered on an individual basis and are completely confidential. Assistance is in the form of IGA food cards, health expenses and other general assistance. It does not assist with whitegoods, rental bonds and arrears, utility bills (electricity, gas, water etc), car registration/maintenance, travel or funeral expenses.

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Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) provide information and referral, a low-cost legal advice service on a wide range of issues, and a mediation service.

Their services include:

  • Free information on a wide range of issue
  • Low-cost Legal Advice
  • Low-cost mediation and dispute resolution
  • Free Tax Help (July – October)
  • Assistance with WA NILS (No Interest Loan Scheme) Applications
  • Justice of the Peace
  • Probate Assistance
  • Preparation of Family Court documents
  • Letters of Administration
  • Wills
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney
  • Enduring Powers of Guardianship
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Australian Government – Services Australia

Support through payments and services while you are looking for work or doing approved studies to help you find and keep a job.

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