Below is a list of medical support services, including:

General practices (GPs)
Medical centres
Community medical services
Women’s health centres

If you cannot find local medical support services for your area, there is a list of state and national medical support services at the bottom of this page, including those offering medical advice and telehealth services.

Burringurrah Child Health Centre

The Burringurrah Child Health Centre is a maternal, child and family health service.

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Gascoyne Junction Child Health Centre

The Gascoyne Junction Health Centre is a maternal, child and family health service.

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Burringurrah Nursing Post

Burringurrah Nursing Post provides emergency and primary healthcare services to Burringurrah community residents and visitors. The team includes a Clinical Nurse Specialist & Aboriginal Health Worker, and is supported by a doctor by fortnightly visits, and other allied & health professionals visits as the need arises. The nurse has extensive knowledge and skills in advanced assessment, diagnosis, nursing care and evaluation.
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Royal Flying Doctor Service Gascoyne Junction

The Royal Flying Doctor Service provides fast, free and efficient emergency retrievals, GP health clinics, dentistry, telehealth and medical chests. 
There is a Royal Flying Doctor Service medical chest situated at the Shire of Upper Gascoyne office. The chest contains first aid supplies and is available to the public through contacting the Royal Flying Doctor on 1800 625 800 for a referral.
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State and National Medical Services Services

Sexual Assault Resource Centre

The Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) is the 24-hour emergency sexual assault (rape crisis) service in metropolitan Perth.
SARC provides:
• Emergency services including medical, forensic and counselling support, up to 2 weeks after a sexual assault
• Counselling services for recent and past sexual assaults, rape and child sexual abuse
• Advice for health professionals about to see a patient following a sexual assault 
• Education and training for professionals 
SARC services are available to:
• People of all genders
• People 13 years of age and older 
• People affected by sexual assault, including rape and sexual abuse 
• Family members and partners of a person who has experienced sexual violence
To request a counselling appointment, telephone between 8:30am and 4:30pm.
(08) 6458 1828
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Sexual Health Quarters – Sexual Health Helpline

The Sexual Health Helpline provides confidential information and referrals from clinicians around contraception, sexually transmissible infections and unintended pregnancy.
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WA Poisons Information Centre

The WA Poisons Information Centre (WAPIC) is an emergency phone service to the states of Western Australia and South Australia and the Northern Territory providing management advice in cases of suspected poisoning and known poisonings. Advice is also provided on drug information and poisoning prevention.

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Telehealth is a free, health appointment by video conference, connecting you with your medical specialist, allied health professional or nurse.
People in regional Western Australia can use videoconferencing to attend appointments with their clinician in Perth or another location. In some cases, it is also available to people in the city who find it hard to get to their health professional.
Some of many services available with telehealth include:
• Allied health services
• Hospital in the Home (HITH)
• Mental health
• Paediatric services
• Pain management
• Women’s health services
• Preparation for childbirth and parenting
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Instant Consult

Instant Consult specialises in Medical Certificates, Prescriptions, Referrals, Pathology Requests & Radiology Requests.
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Healthdirect provides free trusted health services and information that are easily accessible via multiple channels — helplines, video call solutions, websites, service finders, mobile applications and social media networks.
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