Below is a list of options for accommodation, including refuges and safe houses, emergency housing, men’s and women’s shelters, and rent assistance. Additionally, the services directory lists local low cost and alternative accommodation options.

Since April 2019, new tenancy laws have been introduced that allow the termination of a lease within 7 days on the ground of domestic violence

If you cannot find local accommodation support services for your area, you can find state and national accommodation service providers at the bottom of this page, including those offering safe accommodation, rental assistance and tenancy advice.

Avon Community Services – Youth Services

ACS deliver two programs throughout the Wheatbelt that are aimed at young people who are At Risk. The programs focus on the education of young people about the Effects of Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco, Social & Emotional Well-being, Sexual Education & Connection to Country & Community. ACS also offer a mentoring service for young people, delivered in a Case Management Model that offers low level support for young people needing some guidance. Avon Community Services deliver Housing Services throughout the Wheatbelt in both supported and unsupported accommodation. ACS also provide supported accommodation to young people aged 15 – 25.
Outreach services offered in Moora, Merredin and Narrogin.
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State and National Accommodation Services Services

Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline

The Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24 hour service. This service provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence. This includes:

  • Phone counselling
  • Information and advice
  • Referral to local advocacy, support services, and safe accommodation if required
  • Support in escaping situations of family and domestic violence
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WAConnect is a free directory for service providers, and people looking for assistance. Users can search for food relief, financial counsellors, and emergency accommodation, among other services, and get a list of services that can provide assistance in the location that is convenient.
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Pets in Crisis

The Pets in Crisis program is a free service providing a temporary home for pets whose owners are experiencing immediate family and domestic violence. Pets are placed in a loving foster home while their owner seeks refuge or temporary accommodation of their own.
The service is available via a referral from a caseworker only. Pets in Crisis is open to all domestic pets, including cats, dogs and pocket pets (rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, etc.) for up to three months.
The scheme is not for emergency situations and the Pets in Crisis team is only available during normal business hours.
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Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline

The Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24 hour service. This service provides counselling for men who are concerned about becoming violent or abusive. The service can provide:

  • telephone counselling
  • information and referral to ongoing face to face services if required

Information and support is also available for men who have experienced family and domestic violence

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Homeless Advisory Service

The Homeless Advisory Service provides information to primary and secondary homeless people that will assist them to seek their own accommodation.
The Advisory Service also takes calls from people who have shelter but do not have their own tenancy or lodgings.  In these cases the Homeless Advisory Service encourages clients to obtain bond assistance and to seek private rental accommodation.  Clients are given information about public and community rental housing through the Department of Housing and how they can apply for priority assistance.
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Entry Point Perth

Entrypoint Perth is a free assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Western Australia to access accommodation and support options. For individuals and families based in regional Western Australia, they can:

  • provide information on accommodation and support options to assist people to seek their own accommodation
  • assess individual circumstances of people and families experiencing domestic violence and, if eligible, provide formal referrals to crisis accommodation and support options
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Crisis Care Helpline

Crisis Care is a telephone information and counselling service for people in crisis needing urgent help. Call the Crisis Care Helpline when:

  • You need someone to help sort out a serious problem.
  • You are concerned about the wellbeing of a child.
  • You are escaping domestic violence and need help.
  • You are homeless.
If you have concerns about a child’s wellbeing, please contact the Central Intake Team on 1800 273 889 or email
Translating and interpreting services available on 13 14 50
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