AccordWest Prison Release – Trauma Counselling

Our Trauma Counselling program helps you come to terms with the time you’ve spent in prison, as well as treat any unresolved past traumas that are having a major negative impact on your life story.  
Through regular counselling sessions, therapeutic interventions and psychosocial education groups accessible both before and after your release, we will help you manage your past trauma related experiences and assist in making better choices in the future. With the support of a qualified and experienced trauma counsellor participants are provided a safe environment to process, accept and release trauma related symptoms.
Through Trauma Counselling you will actively work towards addressing:
• Anxiety
• Psychological and emotional pain
• Physical pain
• Improved sleeping, eating, and physical patterns of behaviour
• Increasing motivation towards achieving positive outcomes.
• Addictive alcohol and drug use
• Addictive behaviours and habits – for example, gambling, gaming, pornography
• Mental health related concerns
• Aggressive behaviours towards others – including partners 
• Intense negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviours which impact on our relationships with others
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