Centrecare – Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline/ Groups (Choosing Respect)

A Centrecare service for men who are concerned about the affects of their behaviour on the people they love, work and spend time with.
Centrecare provides a range of individual counselling and group programs, specifically designed for men who are engaging in abusive behaviours but have chosen to explore more respectful ways of relating. Services are also available for partners and children. Abuse in a relationship, also called family and domestic violence, refers to any action, verbal and/or non-verbal, that instills fear in the other person and can be displayed physically, emotionally, verbally, sexually, financially, spiritually and culturally.
Centrecare counselling and group programs for men provide a unique and safe opportunity for men to address their concerns in a respectful and non-judgmental environment. It also seeks to support men in their ability to build healthy relationships for the future and be accountable for the past.
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