Neami Albany

Neami Albany is a short-term, mental health residential recovery service that offers either step up support (for people at risk of being admitted to a hospital) or a step down in support (for people leaving hospital but need extra support before moving back into the community).  Neami Albany is run by a team of Community Rehabilitation and Support Workers, Peer Support Workers, a Senior Practice Leader, AOD Worker and Service Manager with clinical supports and treatment available when required. The six-bed centre offers 24-hour support and a range of group and individual rehabilitation and recovery programs.


  • To be eligible for this service, participants need to be between 16 and 64 years and eleven months of age and:
  • Have a primary diagnosis of a mental health illness
  • Have a mental health case manager or treating clinician that will continue to take clinical responsibility for the individual during their stay
  • No longer require acute inpatient level mental health intervention and treatment, or
  • Are living in the community and require additional specialist mental health treatment and intervention to prevent the risk of further deterioration or relapse.
  • Don’t require care in an inpatient unit.
  • Voluntarily agree to participate in the recovery program, including those that might be on Community Treatment Orders (CTO).
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