Generalist Services:
The Community Legal Centre offers free legal information and advice covering most aspects of the law.
• Help to prepare documents for you
• Liaise with others involved in your issue
• Assist you with understanding legal concepts.
• Help to prepare documents for you
• Liaise with others involved in your issue
• Assist you with understanding legal concepts.
You can make an appointment with reception or if you are unable to make it to RAW, they can arrange for a telephone or video link up.
Gascoyne Community Legal Service:
They can assist you if you live in the Gascoyne region with enquiries as per the Generalist Service.
They can assist you if you live in the Gascoyne region with enquiries as per the Generalist Service.
Nyarlu Miyarnumualgu:
This is an outreach service for Aboriginal women.
This is an outreach service for Aboriginal women.