Men’s Shed – Ngagagin Maaman Mia

Men’s Sheds provide a safe, welcoming and encouraging space for men to work on their projects, learn new skills and develop valuable friendships.

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The Regional Men’s Health Initiative

The Regional Men’s Health Initiative’s primary role is to deliver community education and awareness programs on men’s holistic wellbeing and health.

The Warrior Education Sessions focus on physical, mental and social/spiritual wellbeing.

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Share and Care Community Services – The Men’s Lodge

The Lodge is designed to provide safe secure accommodation to Homeless men from age 18+. Men accommodated in the Lodge can expect to receive assistance with a range of services including:

  • Employment opportunities,
  • Mentoring,
  • Referrals to agencies such as Drug & Alcohol,
  • Centrelink,
  • Financial Counselling,
  • Department of Housing and assistance with immediate needs such as food, housing, medical, clothing etc.

Referrals from DCP, other agencies and self referrals accepted.

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Share and Care Community Services – Men’s Social Support Group

This is an innovative Home And Community Care (HACC) funded program providing services solely to men who fit the HACC criteria and who are socially isolated through circumstances, financial, geographical or disability. The program is accessed by veterans, CACP men, and HACC clients and the program content is decided by the clients. This consists of trips to museums, local race days, Melbourne Cup event, agriculture events, stock sales, machinery shows, local RSL for lunch or a beer, individual support for medical appointments, and other community and in home based activities.

The service is flexible to suit individual needs and Care/Service Plans reflect this by the type of service and time of provision.

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Share and Care Community Services – Cuppa Club

The club is designed to provide socialisation opportunities in the community. Various activities are undertaken, from casual cuppa’s to outings, guest speakers and music appreciation, anything to reduce isolation and enjoy life.

This service covers the Shire of Northam.

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Men’s Shed – Northam

Men’s Sheds provide a safe, welcoming and encouraging space for men to work on their projects, learn new skills and develop valuable friendships.
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State and National Men's Support Services Services

DVassist Telephone Counselling Service

The DVassist counselling service is available Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 10 pm, via free call 1800 080 083 or webchat to anyone living in remote, regional, and rural Western Australia. We provide information and support for women, men and young people living in remote, regional, and rural Western Australia experiencing family and domestic violence.
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Communicare Breathing Space Program

Communicare Breathing Space program is available to all men who have been abusive in their intimate partner or family relationship and are ready and willing to make long-term behavioural changes. Communicare’s therapeutic community provides men with up to six months of accommodation while they undertake an intensive therapeutic program including individual informal counselling and case management in their behaviour change journey.
Providing residents:
• Opportunities to reflect and be accountable for their behaviour and the choices they have made.
• A structured program which supports and encourages learning, offers alternatives and assists men’s capacity in understanding and taking responsibility for their violence, anger and abuse.
• An environment where access to information assists to develop positive strategies to resolve their difficulties.
• Referrals and links to services that meet the needs of each individual participant.
• An extended support service, counselling and assistance post the completion of the six month program for sustained behaviour change
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QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

QLife services are free and include both telephone and webchat support, delivered by trained LGBTI community members across the country. Services are for LGBTI individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals in Australia.

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Dads in Distress

Free help for separated dads. Keeping dads alive and in their kids lives since 1999. Guaranteed 100% free, confidential and dad friendly. 
Services include:
• Support Helpline
• 24/7 Online Chat & Forum – Jump on to our Virtual Verandah, a private online platform allowing you to get & give help to dads nation-wide. 
• Online meetings; Talk live with dads just like you across Australia. All dads regardless of location are welcome to join any/ all online meetings.
• Physical Peer Support Groups
• Separation Checklist 
• External Support Links 
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Suicide Call Back

Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide. Suicide Call Back Service services include telephone chat services, online chat and video chat.

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Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline

The Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24 hour service. This service provides counselling for men who are concerned about becoming violent or abusive. The service can provide:

  • telephone counselling
  • information and referral to ongoing face to face services if required

Information and support is also available for men who have experienced family and domestic violence

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1800RESPECT is a national sexual assualt and domestic violence counselling service.

1800RESPECT provide support and counselling for:

  • People experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, sexual assault, domestic or family violence
  • Their friends and family
  • Workers and professionals supporting someone experiencing, or at risk of experiencing sexual assault, domestic or family violence.

They can be contacted by phone or online chat, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Safe at Home Domestic Violence Outreach program

The Safe at Home Domestic Violence Outreach program is a telephone support service to help men bring about positive behaviour changes in their lives to develop respectful relationships with their partner, ex-partner and children.

The Safe at Home Domestic Violence Outreach program provides:

  • Assistance to men to gain an understanding of their part in the cycle of violence and in taking responsibility for their use of violence and abuse;
  • Referrals and links to individual and group programs suiting the individual circumstances and needs of participants attempting to make sustainable behavioural changes;
  • A collaborative approach to developing strategies and plans to assist men make decisions to best build stronger families.

Who Can Safe at Home Domestic Violence Outreach Help?

Our Safe at Home Domestic Violence Outreach program is available to all men living within WA who are ready and willing to make long-term behavioural changes.

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MensLine Australia is the national telephone and online support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns. The service is available from anywhere in Australia and is staffed by professional counsellors, experienced in men’s issues.
MensLine Australia offers a range of ways to access their free, professional counselling and support services:
• Telephone
•Callback service – You may be eligible to receive up to six free telephone counselling sessions, scheduled at times to best suit your needs.
• Online chat counselling – text-based counselling available through the MensLine Australia website
• Video chat counselling – face-to-face counselling available through  Zoom Video Conferencing. 
• Assisted referrals
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