Derby Family Healing Centre

The Centre provides accommodation for women and children experiencing family or domestic violence and those that are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

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Centacare Kimberley – Derby Housing Support Service

Centacare Kimberley has a team of dedicated support workers who can assist you to develop a plan that will successfully lead to home ownership.

This program support people who are currently employed, undertaking an apprenticeship, or are completing a traineeship that will lead to employment. The focus of the program is to support people to build the financial skills, knowledge, confidence and strength to buy their own home, or to take charge of their own future in a private rental.

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Derby Aboriginal Health Service – Social and Emotional Wellbeing Team

The DAHS Social and Emotional Wellbeing Team provides services that help individuals develop and maintain positive thoughts, behaviours and relationships. This is achieved through a strengths based approach in a person centred environment.

SEWB are a team of health professionals that are dedicated to providing culturally sensitive services for the people of Derby and surrounding Aboriginal communities. Staff are able to help with a wide range of emotional problems including, but not limited to; depression, anxiety, anger, grief, sadness and worry. Services are for all age groups from youth to older members of our community.

SEWB Programs Include

  • Counselling
  • Social Work
  • Youth Support Programs
  • Perinatal Support and Advocacy
  • Men’s and Boy’s Support and Advocacy
  • Social and Emotional Health Education
  • Healthy Workforce Training
  • Community Development

SEWB Group Programs

  • Anger Management
  • Deadly Thinking
  • Hey Dad
  • Shine Girls Group
  • Bodyshop Girls Clinical Service
  • Work–Strengths Program for Employers and Organisations
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Department of Child Protection and Family Support Fitzroy Crossing

The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families. Contact them for assistance to access emergency accommodation.

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Derby Aboriginal Health Service – Health Service

The Derby Aboriginal Health Service provides services:

  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Chronic Disease
  • Child Health
  • Smoking Cessation
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Centacare Kimberley – Family Support

Intensive Family Support Service

Is a partnership between Australian Childhood Foundation, Centacare Kimberley and Derby Aboriginal Health Services, who have put together a team of local Family Support Workers with the role of offering support to families living in Broome and Derby who are at risk of having their children placed in state care. The focus of this program is on helping families to stay together by working with the family to create a safe, supportive and nurturing home environment. This program also works with families who are participating in the reunification of a child.

Family Care Support Service

Is another partnership program between Australian Childhood Foundation, Centacare Kimberley and Derby Aboriginal Health Services, that has been developed to offer support to families living in Broome and Derby who are looking after a family member in state care, through a Kinship Care Arrangement. This could be a young person living with an aunty, uncle, a grandparent, or even an older brother or sister. It is a program that can provide practical supports, access to other specialist supports, as well as parenting and child development advice, parenting skills development and knowledge.


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Centacare – Homelessness Support

Centacare Kimberley offers support to people who are homeless, or are highly at risk of becoming homeless in Broome and Derby. Homelessness is where you don’t have a stable or secure place to live, so includes people who are living in overcrowded family homes. All people over the age of 25 are eligible for support. The focus of the three Homelessness services is to support individuals, couples and families to achieve the goal of obtaining and then maintaining long term stable housing in the Public Housing system, or, the private rental market.

The Derby service can work with any person who is Homeless, but does have a focus on supporting women and children who are escaping Domestic Violence to secure long term housing.

Homelessness Services offer a holistic response that can support people to overcome multiple life challenges, and are able to provide support in the areas of:

  • Applying for housing;
  • Access to short and medium term accommodation options
  • Referrals to specialist and mainstream services
  • Advocacy and support
  • Access to education, training and employment
  • Life & independent living skills development
  • Access to Financial advice and Material aid
  • Mentoring and positive role modelling
  • Tenancy information, advice and support


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Baya Gawiy – Child & Parent Centre (CPC)

The Child and Parent Centre (CPC) works to improve access to health and education for Fitzroy Valley families targeting children aged 0–8 years and their families. It is a welcoming, safe & dynamic space that delivers programs to meet the changing needs of vulnerable families.

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Anglicare WA – Young Mums Program

The Young Mums Program is for young Aboriginal mums aged 25 and under. The service equips young mums with the skills, knowledge and confidence to nurture the wellbeing and development of themselves and their children.

The service works individually and in groups with young mums and their communities by providing education, parenting support and advocacy together with local community support networks. They offer a safe place for mums to connect with each other, discuss their concerns on a one on one basis or in a group setting and provide support.

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Aboriginal Legal Service of WA – Derby

The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Limited (ALSWA) is a not for profit organisation which provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Western Australia.
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