Integrated Chronic Disease Care – Central and Northern Goldfields

Aim is to improve the health of disadvantaged or otherwise eligible individuals in the WA Country Primary Health Network who suffer from chronic conditions, by providing access to allied health professionals, driving self-management of their condition and reduce potential preventable hospital admissions.
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Connections Count – Mental Health in Residential Aged Care Facilities – Goldfields

Connections Count is for people living in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) in the Goldfields region who have mild to moderate symptoms of common mental illness or distress. The service will provide in-reach psychological therapy targeted at residents with a diagnosis of mental health support needs or assessed to be at risk of requiring formal mental health supports.
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Integrated Team Care – Goldfields

Assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to obtain primary health care as required. Provides care coordination services to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease/s who require coordinated, multidisciplinary care, and improve access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care.
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Integrated Primary Mental Health Care

Support for individuals with mild to moderate mental health concerns, including low intensity evidence-based interventions and psychological therapies via face-to-face and telehealth sessions. A referral from your doctor is required.
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Telehealth – Residential Aged Care Psychological Therapy

Face-to-face and telehealth support for residents of aged care facilities in the Goldfields. Qualified counsellors provide psychological therapies to residents seeking mental health support, to help develop new skills to reduce distress, improve self-esteem, confidence and improve daily functioning. Delivered via individual or group therapy sessions. A referral from your doctor is required.
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Individual Disability Advocacy Service

Sussex Street Community Law Service Inc provides a NSDS Accredited advocacy services to people with disabilities, their family members and carers.
It is an independent free and confidential service to people in the regional areas of the Mid West, Goldfields/Esperance and the Great Southern areas of Western Australia.


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Move Goldfields

MOVE Goldfields is a community service which helps welcome new people into the Kalgoorlie region, welcoming them and helping them integrate.

Services offered include:
• Orientation tours
• Housing assistance
• Transport assistance
• Education assistance
• Events
• Guides

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Life without Barriers – Kalgoorlie

Life without Barriers is a not for profit organisation that supports and employs people with disability nationwide. The organisation partners with communities, elders, government and the private sector to achieve positive long-term change in the lives of people they work with.

Services offered include:
• Supported independent living
• NDIS provider
• Support coordination
• Short term accommodation

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Activ – Kalgoorlie

Activ is a WA based disability services provider who work to support those living with disability under the NDIS.

Services offered include:
• NDIS provider
• Employment
• Supported independent living
• Business services 

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Adult Migrant English Program – Kalgoorlie

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is a free service to help eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants with low English levels to improve their English language skills and settle into Australia, offered through a local service provider. Additionally, eligible candidates may receive distance learning (subject to criteria).
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Goldfields Community Legal Centre Inc.

Goldfields Community Legal Centre provide support and settlement assistance to refugees, humanitarian entrants, migrants and their families.

The service aims to improve access to services, develop self-reliance and promote participation in the Goldfields:
• Meet & Speak – Conversational English
• Keys for Life – Learner Driver Mentoring and Driver Education
• Basic Computer Skills
• Partnering with Local Services to Provide Recreational Activities; and
• Workshops and Forums that Empower and Advance Participation in the Local Community.

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GIFSA is an NDIS provider who work to ensure that all people with a disability, their families and their carers, have access to quality supports and services that meet their individual needs.

Services offered include:
• Assistance with daily life
• Social and community participation
• Supported independent living
• Respite and short term accommodation

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Eastern Goldfields Community Centre

Eastern Goldfields Community Centre is your local provider for Commonwealth Home Support Program Services and Seniors Activities.

Services offered include:
• Activities
• Meals
• Transportation
• Commonwealth home support program 

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Empowering People in Communities (EPIC)

EPIC is a not for profit organisation operating in the Pilbara & Goldfields regions of Western Australia, who work to empower people with disability to break down barriers and engage in the community.

• NDIS services
• Support for families and carers
• Education and training
• Career guidance
• Community programs and workshops

This service is also listed as a Food Pantry location. 
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Goldfields Geriatric Aged Care Assessment Team

Goldfields Geriatric ACAT consists of a team of medical, nursing and allied health professionals who assess the physical, psychological, medical, restorative, cultural and social needs of frail older people and help them and their carers to access appropriate levels of support.
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Spinifex Health Service

Spinifex Health Service is the business name for an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service managed by Paupiyala Tjarutja Aboriginal Corporation (PTAC) in the remote community of Tjuntjuntjara on the Spinifex Lands. Spinifex Health is one of a series of business names owned by PTAC and forms part of the Corporation’s commitment to providing services to the community
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DOC Housing – Kalgoorlie

In addition to the provision of public housing in metropolitan and country areas of Western Australia, the Housing Authority also provides assistance to people with various other housing needs. These needs include rental assistance, becoming a home owner and issues related to homelessness.
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Ngunytju Tjitji Pirni Aboriginal Corporation

The organisation offers:  Food relief service, health information, referrals service, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health service and immunisation 
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Mara Pirni Healing Place

This service is based in Kalgoorlie and is operated HOPE Community Services alongside others. The service includes the following:
  • Alcohol and other drug counselling
  • Mental Health support
  • Housing
  • Legal and financial support
  • Family and domestic violence education and awareness activities
  • Parenting support services including counselling and creche
  • Community activities including education workshops and yarning circles
  • Shower and washing machines
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Kalgoorlie Jobs and Skills Centre

Kalgoorlie Jobs and Skills Centre can provide free professional and practical advice on training and employment opportunities including careers advice, apprenticeship and training information and partnerships with industry, and also help with job searching and direct links into work.
Their team has expertise in Aboriginal workforce development, and in support for Aboriginal jobseekers. The Kalgoorlie Jobs and Skills Centre is supported by career services from Worklink.
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