Share and Care Community Services – Emergency Relief Program

This program assists persons in crisis. The program offers:
* Assistance with medical equipment/glasses/hearing aids etc
* Assistance with gas for persons with medical conditions
* Assistance with food vouchers and referrals to other services
* Assistance with travel via train or bus tickets
* Assistance towards utility accounts
This service covers the wheatbelt.
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Share and Care Community Services – Mental Health Support Service

Provides non-clinical support to people with severe and/or persistent psychiatric illness to develop/maintain living and social skills.
This services also encourages the consumer to participate in community life and activities and decrease the burden of care for the carers. Consumers must provide a referral from the Wheatbelt Mental Health Team, GP, Psychiatrist or Psychologist.
This services covers the Wheatbelt.
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Aboriginal Legal Service of WA – Northam

The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Limited (ALSWA) is a not for profit organisation which provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Western Australia.

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Men’s Shed – Ngagagin Maaman Mia

Men’s Sheds provide a safe, welcoming and encouraging space for men to work on their projects, learn new skills and develop valuable friendships.

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Avon & Central Primary Health Service

A public health outreach service servicing Northam, Beverley, Cunderdin, Goomalling, Quairading, Wundowie and surrounds. Services include:
  • Maternal and child health & development
  • Chronic disease prevention and self-management
  • Public health and communicable (infectious) disease control
  • Aboriginal health
  • Family Support
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Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre Inc

The Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre provides information, referrals, legal advice, non-legal support, Tenancy advocacy and casework.

Court representation is limited by Centre resources, priorities under funding agreements and our lawyers capacity.

Office based in Northam and covers the Wheatbelt. Outreach services provided in Narrogin, Moora and Merredin.


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Shire of Northam

Shire of Northam has got wide range of accommondation options in Northam. For more details visit the Shire website.

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Wheatbelt Health Network – Aboriginal Health

The team works with local Aboriginal people and communities in the region to access a range of health services to reduce the burden of chronic disease as part of the Closing the Gap Program. The ITC program assists people with chronic disease to access specialist and allied health services and manage their disease.

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Wanslea Thrive Housing Support

Thrive helps individuals and families tackle issues that are impacting their public housing tenancy. It can help you identify and resolve issues that may impact your wellbeing and prevent you from sustaining a tenancy. Thrive is free, voluntary program. It understands your circumstances and helps you create a plan to achieve your goals. With regular home visits, you’ll receive referrals to helpful services, and develop new habits and skills that will ensure that you and your family can continue building on your successes.
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Share and Care – Family and Domestic Violence Child Support

The Family and Domestic Violence Child Support service ensures that a trained child support worker is on site and will relieve the parent of care if she needs to attend appointments. 
The support may include outings with the parents’ permission, liaison with schools for enrollments, play therapy, referrals for mother and or child to a host of other agencies that may assist with the variety of needs the consumer presents with.
These services cover the Wheatbelt, and Upper Great Southern, and based in Northam and Narrogin.
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Northam Jobs and Skills Centre

Job and Skills Centre provide free professional and practical advice on training and employment opportunities including careers advice, apprenticeship and training information and partnerships with industry, and also help with job searching and direct links into work.

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Kaata-Koorliny Employment & Enterprise Development Corporation (KEEDAC)

KEEDAC can help their clients with paying their court fines via a Work and Development Permit (WDP). Their clients could reduce or clear their fines by doing activities in place of paying the amount owed. KEEDAC works with the Aboriginal Legal Service WA (ALSWA) to provide this service.
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Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Northam

The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Limited (ALSWA) is a not for profit organisation which provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Western Australia, including advocating in policy and law reform in submissions, at conferences and in the media.
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Fresh Start

The Northam Recovery Program
The Northam Recovery Program is a 26 week, fully accredited Residential Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation and Social Enterprise Program.

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Wanslea Family Services

Support services for families and their children.
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Share & Care Community Services Group – Mental Health Support Service

Share and Care Community Services provides non-clinical support to people with severe and/or persistent psychiatric illness to develop/maintain living and social skills. This service also encourages the consumer to participate in community life and activities. Consumers must provide a referral from the Wheatbelt Mental Health Team, GP, Psychiatrist or Psychologist.
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Share & Care Community Services Group – Family & Domestic Violence Co-Ordinated Response Service

Family & Domestic Violence Co-Ordinated Response Service will participate in a joint assessment of Family and Domestic Violence Incident Reports with Police and Department of Communities (Child Protection Services), to achieve victim safety and perpetrator accountability.
  • Participate in the assessment using the Common Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework.
  • Participate in the triage of responses with the Department for Child Protection & Police
  • Participate in a multi-agency response for high-risk cases.
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Share & Care Community Services Group – Magnolia Women’s Centre

Magnolia Women’s Centre covers the Wheatbelt and provide services for women escaping family or domestic violence and their children. The refuge can accommodate 2 single women and large families, featuring four family rooms and a total of ten beds, in separate fully equipped unit style accommodation. If crisis accommodation is required and the refuge is full, the worker may be able to obtain alternative accommodation. The refuge is monitored daily with a duress alarm system and safety gates to ensure safe supported accommodation.
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Share & Care Community Services Group – Emergency Relief Program

Emergency Relief Program assists persons in crisis. The program offers:
  • Assistance with medical equipment/glasses/hearing aids
  • Assistance with gas for persons with medical conditions
  • Assistance with food vouchers and referral to other services
  • Assistance with travel via train or bus tickets
  • Assistance towards utility accounts
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Share & Care Community Services Group – Financial Counsellor Program

Financial Counsellor offers:
  • Assistance with developing budgets that cater to individual’s needs
  • Negotiation with creditors including debt collection agencies
  • Bankruptcy issues, information and assistance
  • Community education
  • Mortgage stress and threatened foreclosure
  • Advocacy and negotiation on your behalf where requested
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