Yura Yungi Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation

Yura Yungi Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service providing holistic, culturally appropriate health care and programs. The organisation was established in 1997 and has preventative and public health programs include maternal and child health, women’s health, chronic disease program delivery and sexual health services.
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Victim Support Service and Child Witness Service Kununurra

The Victim Support Service provides free, confidential counselling and support services for all victims of crime. These services are provided by professional counsellors and trained volunteers. Services available to victims of crime include:

  • Counselling and Support
  • Providing information and referrals to other support services
  • Helping victims write a victim impact statement
  • Preparing and supporting victims during a court case
  • Helping victims obtain information on the status of police investigations
  • Providing support when making an application for a restraining order
  • Providing information about criminal injuries compensation
  • Helping victims understand their rights within the criminal justice system
  • Providing information on the status of convicted offenders in WA, through the Victim Notification Register

The Child Witness Service is a voluntary and free service available to children under 18 years of age who are to give evidence to a court. Trained staff can assist with:

  • Accessing services such as counselling, police, legal, medical and other relevant services
  • Working with the WA Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions and providing the child with up to date information as a matter progresses through the court system
  • Preparing a child for giving evidence in court and providing in court support
  • Helping a child to prepare a victim impact statement.
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Share the Dignity Kununurra

The #Pinkbox Dignity Vending Machine is a vending machine that dispenses FREE packs of six tampons and two pads to those in need. Share the Dignity supply the period products in the vending machine, install the machine and keep it supplied with free products with the help of our incredible volunteers.

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Ngnowar-Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation

Ngnowar-Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation services include: Individual drug and alcohol counselling and group work in the community of Wyndham

  • A 13 -19 week residential rehabilitation service with case management
  • Men’s Shed: Provides men specific health and education programs
  • The Building Solid Families Program: Social and emotional wellbeing counselling service that also provides educational programs within the schools.
  • Sobering Up Shelter: A safe place for intoxicated community members to spend the night.
  • Night Patrol: Picks up intoxicated people from the street, taking them to a safe place
  • Binge Drinking Program. Targeted at youth through musical activities
  • Safe House: A place for women and children escaping family violence
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Kununurra Waringarri Aborginal Corporation – Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Social and emotional wellbeing is a term used to describe the social, emotional, spiritual, and cultural wellbeing of a person. It recognises that connection to land, culture, spirituality, family, and community are important to people and can impact on their wellbeing. It also recognises that a person’s social and emotional wellbeing is influenced by policies and past events. The SEWB team offers assistance in the form of:

  • Men and Women Yarning
  • Brief intervention
  • Back to Country Healing
  • Deadly Thinking Workshop which is for Aboriginal communities to help in the prevention of suicide, providing the tools to confront core issues
  • Domestic Violence
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Kununurra Primary Health Centre

The Kununurra Primary Health Centre provides a one-stop-shop health care hub for the East Kimberley community enabling more people in the region to access the care they need closer to home with fewer people requiring to travel to other major towns, including Perth, for treatment. Services available include:

Community Health Services
  • Immunisation clinics
  • Health promotion
  • Child health
  • School health
  • Women’s and sexual health

Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Service

  • Child and adolescent mental health team
  • Kimberley community drug service team

Allied Health Services

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Dietetics

Boab Health Services

  • Dietetics
  • Podiatry
  • Mental Health Counselling


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Gawooleng Yawoodeng Aboriginal Corporation – Kununurra Crisis Accommodation Centre

Kununurra Crisis Accommodation Centre is open 24 hours.

Provides support and information, counselling and accommodation for homeless women and their children who are victims of mental, physical and domestic violence and abuse.

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State and National Women's Support Services Services

Women’s Information Service

The free telephone service provides information and referrals about issues such as health, finances, legal matters, counselling and domestic violence.
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DVassist Telephone Counselling Service

The DVassist counselling service is available Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 10 pm, via free call 1800 080 083 or webchat to anyone living in remote, regional, and rural Western Australia. We provide information and support for women, men and young people living in remote, regional, and rural Western Australia experiencing family and domestic violence.
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Suicide Call Back

Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide. Suicide Call Back Service services include telephone chat services, online chat and video chat.

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Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline

The Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24 hour service. This service provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence. This includes:

  • Phone counselling
  • Information and advice
  • Referral to local advocacy, support services, and safe accommodation if required
  • Support in escaping situations of family and domestic violence
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Women’s Legal Service WA

The Women’s Legal Service WA is a free community legal centre providing legal advice, support and advocacy to WA women experiencing disadvantage. They can assist women with:

  • Family law (parenting related matters, divorce and some property settlement matters through their Legal Clinic)
  • Family violence (identifying and responding to family violence and restraining order matters)
  • Protection and care (matters involving the Department of Communities Child Protection and Family Support Division)
  • Criminal injuries compensation (where it relates to family violence, assault or sexual assault).
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1800RESPECT is a national sexual assualt and domestic violence counselling service.

1800RESPECT provide support and counselling for:

  • People experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, sexual assault, domestic or family violence
  • Their friends and family
  • Workers and professionals supporting someone experiencing, or at risk of experiencing sexual assault, domestic or family violence.

They can be contacted by phone or online chat, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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WESNET – Safe Connections

The Safe Connections program provides tech-abuse advice to women who are experiencing technology-facilitated abuse as well as being able to provide women (and children) affected by domestic, family or sexual violence with a free Safe Connections phones and top-up credit (eligible clients can top-up 3 times in the financial year).

They also provide tech-abuse advice where they can organise appointments with one of our tech experts.

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QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

QLife services are free and include both telephone and webchat support, delivered by trained LGBTI community members across the country. Services are for LGBTI individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals in Australia.

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Your Toolkit

The Financial Toolbox Women provides support to women and their children facing, or having faced, domestic violence and/or financial abuse. The Your Toolkit team does not provide direct support to individuals, but the website provides details for contacting  support services and help lines and women’s refuges.
The website includes information on: 
• Checklist of documents you need to take with you when leaving a relationship 
• How can your bank or financial advisor help if you are preparing to leave?
• Centrelink support payments and services
• Financial assistance for living costs
• Tenancy Information and Laws
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