Integrated Team Care – Goldfields

Assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to obtain primary health care as required. Provides care coordination services to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease/s who require coordinated, multidisciplinary care, and improve access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care.
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Amity Health Merreden

At Amity Health, we understand that living in country regions can make accessing allied health services and programs challenging.  In Merredin and surrounds we provide the following:
– Integrated Primary Mental Health Care Program
– Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing and Resiliency Program 
– Integrate Chronic Disease Care Program
– Healthy Country Kids
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Aboriginal Legal Service of WA – Northam

The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Limited (ALSWA) is a not for profit organisation which provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Western Australia.

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Aboriginal Legal Service of WA – Halls Creek

The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Limited (ALSWA) is a not for profit organisation which provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Western Australia.

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Hope Community Services – Integrated Team Care (ITC)

Support for Aboriginal people in the Goldfields with chronic health conditions to access mainstream healthcare services and also provides funding for supplementary services and medical aids. The program is funded by the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) and aims to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to contribute to closing the gap in life expectancy through improved access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary health services.
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Avon & Central Primary Health Service

A public health outreach service servicing Northam, Beverley, Cunderdin, Goomalling, Quairading, Wundowie and surrounds. Services include:
  • Maternal and child health & development
  • Chronic disease prevention and self-management
  • Public health and communicable (infectious) disease control
  • Aboriginal health
  • Family Support
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Nyarlu Miyarnumualgu

An outreach service for Aboriginal Women.
If you are coming back to the community from prison, we may be able to make the move easier for you.
We can help with:
  • Planning the move
  • Finding a place to live
  • Sorting out income and budgets
  • Connecting you with other support services
  • Employment, training and volunteer opportunities
  • Counselling services
Proving services to communities within the MidWest as far as Meekatharra, including Mt Magnet, Cue, Northampton and Yalgoo
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Murchison Outreach Service Mobile Clinic

The GRAMS mobile clinic travels to remote areas in the Mid West and Murchison region to provide health services to patients. A male and female health worker, doctor and podiatrist are part of the mobile clinic team. Services provided to patients during these trips include general medical care, chronic disease clinic, health promotion and dispensing of medication.
Mobile Clinic provides services to Mt Magnet, Yalgoo, Pia Wadjarri, Kardaloo Farm, Sandstone (by appointment), Meekatharra, Yula Jinna and Cue.
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Mission Australia Meekatharra Mental Health Support Service

The Mental Health Support Service in Meekatharra provides mental health coordination services to Aboriginal families living in Meekatharra, & via outreach to Cue and Mount Magnet. The service is a point of contact and advocacy for people living with mental ill health. Through a recovery framework emphasising self-determination and choice, participants are supported through support to attend appointments, individual counselling and group work, and community connection.

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Wheatbelt Health Network – Aboriginal Health

The team works with local Aboriginal people and communities in the region to access a range of health services to reduce the burden of chronic disease as part of the Closing the Gap Program. The ITC program assists people with chronic disease to access specialist and allied health services and manage their disease.

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