Below is a list of everyday necessities services, including secondhand clothing shops, emergency relief, soup kitchens, safe computer and Wi-Fi access, and government support. If you cannot find local everyday necessities services for your area, you can find a list of state and national everyday necessities services at the bottom of this page.

Swiss Launderette

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Port Hedland RSL Community Shop

The RSL Shop is a not for profit organisation selling quality secondhand goods
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Vinnies South Hedland

The South Hedland Support Centre is staffed by friendly and helpful volunteers and staff who are there to assist families and individual by rebuilding lives.
Donations of clothing and bric a brac are always appreciated and can be dropped off at the centre.
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Port Hedland Library

Services include:

  • Free Wi-Fi.
  • Public use computers.
  • Printing, photocopying, scanning, faxing and laminating services
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Mission Australia – Emergency Relief

Emergency relief helps people to address their immediate basic needs in times of financial crisis or hardship through material or financial aid (e.g. vouchers, clothes and food parcels). Support is offered in a way that maintains the dignity of individuals and families and encourages self-reliance. As well as financial and material support, we also link people with services in the community to help them address the challenges that are affecting their financial wellbeing.

Emergency Relief is available every Tuesday morning in Geraldton and Carnarvon as well as every Thursday morning in Geraldton by appointment only. Please telephone at 8:00am on the day Emergency Relief is available to arrange an appointment.

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Dignity Vending Machine

The #Pinkbox Dignity Vending Machine is a vending machine that dispenses FREE packs of six tampons and two pads to those in need. Share the Dignity supply the period products in the vending machine, install the machine and keep it supplied with free products

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Bloodwood Tree – Yandeyarra Centrelink Services

Bloodwood Tree has trained and employed local community residents to deliver the service at Yandeyarra.

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Bloodwood Tree – Breakfast Program

The Breakfast Program provides facilities such as a hot shower, clean clothes and a nutritious meal. Monday and Friday there are access to Bloodwood Tree counsellors.

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Bloodwood Tree – Emergency Relief

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible to apply for Emergency Relief in the form of Coles (food-only) gift cards.

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State and National Every Day Necessity Services Services


WAConnect is a free directory for service providers, and people looking for assistance. Users can search for food relief, financial counsellors, and emergency accommodation, among other services, and get a list of services that can provide assistance in the location that is convenient.
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CWA of WA Sir James Mitchell Fund

The Sir James Mitchell Fund is used to assist those who may need a helping hand. Applications for assistance are considered on an individual basis and are completely confidential. Assistance is in the form of IGA food cards, health expenses and other general assistance. It does not assist with whitegoods, rental bonds and arrears, utility bills (electricity, gas, water etc), car registration/maintenance, travel or funeral expenses.

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Emergency Relief and Food Access Service

The Emergency Relief and Food Access Service is here to support you in identifying and applying for help.
Emergency Relief assistance is available to support you if you:
• are struggling to put food on the table
• are facing overdue bills
• have used  your savings to pay for daily expenses
• have experienced a reduction in income
You may be eligible for emergency relief even if you’re not receiving Centrelink income support.
If you are unable to make a phone call, please lodge an online enquiry on their website. 
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Uniting WA

Family violence
Paying the costs of moving to safety.
The Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) Program is available for people 18+ who have recently experienced family violence, have a changed living situation and are experiencing financial stress.
Please go to the Uniting WA website for more information. 
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Services Australia – Crisis Payment

A one-off payment if you’ve experienced an extreme circumstance and are in severe financial hardship.
To get any of these payments, you must meet all of the following:
• Be in severe financial hardship
• Get, or, be eligible for an income support payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance
• Be experiencing an extreme circumstance.
To be eligible, you must be experiencing 1 of the following:
• You or someone you’re caring for are required to quarantine or self-isolate due to COVID-19
• You’ve experienced an incident of family and domestic violence
• You’ve had to leave your home because of a natural or other disaster not covered by a disaster relief payment
• You’ve arrived in Australia as a Humanitarian Entrant for the first time
• You were released from prison or psychiatric confinement.
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WESNET – Safe Connections

The Safe Connections program provides tech-abuse advice to women who are experiencing technology-facilitated abuse as well as being able to provide women (and children) affected by domestic, family or sexual violence with a free Safe Connections phones and top-up credit (eligible clients can top-up 3 times in the financial year).

They also provide tech-abuse advice where they can organise appointments with one of our tech experts.

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No Interest Loan Scheme

No Interest Loans (NILS) provide individuals and families on low incomes with access to safe, fair and affordable credit.
Loans are available for essential goods and services such as fridges, washing machines, car repairs and medical procedures for up to $1,500. Repayments are set at an affordable amount over 12 to 18 months.
Am I eligible?
• I have a Health Care Card / Pension Card or earn less than $45,000 a year after tax ($60,000 for couples or people with dependants)
• I have lived at my current or previous address for at least 3 months
• I can show that I have a capacity to repay the loan
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Australian Government – Services Australia

Support through payments and services while you are looking for work or doing approved studies to help you find and keep a job.

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