Below is a list of financial services, including financial counselling, planning and advice services. If you can’t find local financial support services for your area, there is a list of state and national financial support services at the bottom of this page.

Pilbara Community Legal Service – Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling services are offered to both high and low income earners. It services to the people of the Pilbara from all four offices in Karratha, Roebourne, Hedland and Newman. It is non-judgmental, free and confidential. Information, support and advocacy is provided to assist clients to address identified financial problems and manage financial situations more effectively.
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Pilbara Community Legal Service – Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling services are offered to both high and low income earners. It services to the people of the Pilbara from all four offices in Karratha, Roebourne, Hedland and Newman. It is non-judgmental, free and confidential. Information, support and advocacy is provided to assist clients to address identified financial problems and manage financial situations more effectively.
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Pilbara Community Legal Service – Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling Financial Counselling services are offered to both high and low income earners. It services to the people of the Pilbara from all four offices in Karratha, Roebourne, Hedland and Newman. It is non-judgmental, free and confidential. Information, support and advocacy is provided to assist clients to address identified financial problems and manage financial situations more effectively.
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Anglicare WA – Manjimup, Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling is for anyone seeking financial information. It is an inclusive service appropriate for people in a broad range of circumstances no matter where you live or how much you earn.
Anglicare WA’s Financial Counsellors are qualified to:

Make assessments of financial situations
Provide information and options to address financial problems
Assist with resolutions if necessary
Advocate and negotiate with creditors
Make referrals to other useful services in the community
Provide information about government assistance
Support clients to develop their own budget
Relay relevant information about consumer credit and bankruptcy

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Anglicare WA – Plantagenet, Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling is for anyone seeking financial information. It is an inclusive service appropriate for people in a broad range of circumstances no matter where you live or how much you earn.
Anglicare WA’s Financial Counsellors are qualified to:

Make assessments of financial situations
Provide information and options to address financial problems
Assist with resolutions if necessary
Advocate and negotiate with creditors
Make referrals to other useful services in the community
Provide information about government assistance
Support clients to develop their own budget
Relay relevant information about consumer credit and bankruptcy

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St Vincent De Paul – Financial Counselling

Vinnies financial counsellors are qualified professionals who offer independent financial advice and advocacy for people in financial difficulty.
Our counsellors work with clients to achieve positive financial outcomes, helping them to build their own capacity to avert financial crisis and reduce stress. 
Qualified financial counsellors can assist with queries and information including:
• Understanding your financial situation and taking control
• Strategies and options for dealing with financial difficulties
• Budgeting and practical steps to relieve financial stress
• Understanding your rights and responsibilities
• Negotiating with creditors
• The debt recovery process and the court system in relation to debt collection
• How the law can protect you in difficult financial times
• Bankruptcy information
• Referral to other specialised and appropriate services
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Nyarlu Miyarnumualgu

An outreach service for Aboriginal Women.
If you are coming back to the community from prison, we may be able to make the move easier for you.
We can help with:
  • Planning the move
  • Finding a place to live
  • Sorting out income and budgets
  • Connecting you with other support services
  • Employment, training and volunteer opportunities
  • Counselling services
Proving services to communities within the MidWest as far as Meekatharra, including Mt Magnet, Cue, Northampton and Yalgoo
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Narrogin Financial Counselling Services

Assistance with budgeting, negotiating with creditors,  NILS and HUGS grants
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Norseman Centrelink

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Centrelink Menzies

Centrelink provides a range of services on behalf of Australian Government Departments including providing financial assistance for eligible candidates, support services for families, the elderly, the sick or injured, people with disabilities, young & adult job seekers, recent immigrants, carers, people undertaking or planning to undertake study or training, the self-employed, retired people & those planning retirement, the bereaved, people recently separated or divorced and people in crisis.
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