Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

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Regional Australia Institute – Rural Health Connect

Rural Health Connect is a website and app that links people in rural Australia to psychologists via video conferencing technology. Their site allows people to conduct sessions with psychologists from the privacy of their own home with no travel or wait time and no stigma.
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Diverse Communities and Social Services

Online and phone service and Advocacy
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A national website allowing you to find help for you or a loved one experiencing harm from alcohol or other drugs, by plugging in your answers to a handful of quick questions, and the intuitive portal will match you with the best information and services based on your specific needs and circumstances.  You don’t need to know what you’re looking for – Path2Help will find it for you.
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PyschHelp offers a full range of telehealth based online psychological services across Australia. Their Psychologists are qualified and registered with a broad range of expertise. They provide a convenient, affordable, and confidential service for all clients with bulk billing also available

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Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline is Australia’s free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
• All young people are treated with respect
• All young people can choose the gender of the counsellor they speak to
• Young people are able to access the same counsellor if they wish to call back
No problem is too big or too small to call Kids Helpline about, including but not limited to: 
• Mental Health
• Physical Health
• Safety & Abuse
• Relationships & Sex
• Life issues
• Family & friends
• School & work
• eSafety
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LGBTIQ+ Violence Service

The LGBTIQ+ Violence Counselling Service is for:
  • Anyone in Australia who is from the LGBTIQ+ community who has recently or in the past experienced sexual domestic or family violence
  • Family members, friends and supporters of someone from the LGBTIQ+ community who has experienced sexual domestic or family violence
  • Others who may be impacted by violence targeted toward the LGBTIQ+ community, including professionals.
Their service provides:
  • Professional trauma counselling provided by counsellors who have completed specialist training provided by ACON
  • 24/7 telephone support
  • Information and referral to other services
  • Vicarious trauma support and debrief for professionals
They assist with:
  • Managing the impacts of sexual domestic and family violence
  • Talking to supporters
  • Information about seeking assistance from Police
  • Information on medical help
  • Safety planning
  • Referrals
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My Aged Care

My Aged Care is a Government service and acts as the starting point to access Government-funded aged care services. The phoneline and website can help older Australians, their families and carers gain the help and support they need.
Services offered include:
• Information an available aged care services 
• Eligibility assessments 
• Referrals 
• information on costs of care
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Start Out

Start Out is an organisation which aims to support people of diverse sexualities and genders, eradicate discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community, and educate the wider community on the effects of discrimination and exclusion on LGBTQ+ youth. 
Service offered is a peer Role Model to act as a mentor and personal support. 
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Ozhelp Foundation

OzHelp is here to help and you are not alone. Their support services are always confidential and they are here to discuss anything that is troubling you.
No information will be passed onto your employer or anyone else about you. Conversations are between you and OzHelp at all times.
Some of the concerns we can help with include:
• Not coping at work
• Having trouble with relationships
• Can’t sleep
• Feeling down
• Can’t shake your worries
• Parenting or co-parenting issues
• Drinking too much
• Gambling issues
• A friend you are worried about
• Financial issues
If you just need some advice or someone to talk to then that’s okay too.
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National Relay Service

The National Relay Service is a government service which helps those who are deaf/hard of hearing communicate with others over the phone through a relay officer.
SMS relay number 0423 677 767
Teletypewriter number 133 677
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Your Toolkit

The Financial Toolbox Women provides support to women and their children facing, or having faced, domestic violence and/or financial abuse. The Your Toolkit team does not provide direct support to individuals, but the website provides details for contacting  support services and help lines and women’s refuges.
The website includes information on: 
• Checklist of documents you need to take with you when leaving a relationship 
• How can your bank or financial advisor help if you are preparing to leave?
• Centrelink support payments and services
• Financial assistance for living costs
• Tenancy Information and Laws
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WESNET – Safe Connections

The Safe Connections program provides tech-abuse advice to women who are experiencing technology-facilitated abuse as well as being able to provide women (and children) affected by domestic, family or sexual violence with a free Safe Connections phones and top-up credit (eligible clients can top-up 3 times in the financial year).

They also provide tech-abuse advice where they can organise appointments with one of our tech experts.

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Telehealth is a free, health appointment by video conference, connecting you with your medical specialist, allied health professional or nurse.
People in regional Western Australia can use videoconferencing to attend appointments with their clinician in Perth or another location. In some cases, it is also available to people in the city who find it hard to get to their health professional.
Some of many services available with telehealth include:
• Allied health services
• Hospital in the Home (HITH)
• Mental health
• Paediatric services
• Pain management
• Women’s health services
• Preparation for childbirth and parenting
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Suicide Call Back

Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide. Suicide Call Back Service services include telephone chat services, online chat and video chat.

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Services Australia – Farm Household Allowance

A payment for farming families in financial hardship. To get this you must:

  • be a farmer or partner of a farmer, who spends a major part of your time and capital, working on the farm
  • meet the income and assets test limits
  • meet mutual obligation requirements. To get Farm Household Allowance (FHA) you must meet all the following:
  • be a farmer or partner of a farmer
  • be 16 years or older
  • contribute labour and capital to an Australian farm, or are the partner of a farmer who does
  • have income and assets below certain amounts
  • have had less than 4 years of FHA in the specific 10-year period.
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Services Australia – Crisis Payment

A one-off payment if you’ve experienced an extreme circumstance and are in severe financial hardship.
To get any of these payments, you must meet all of the following:
• Be in severe financial hardship
• Get, or, be eligible for an income support payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance
• Be experiencing an extreme circumstance.
To be eligible, you must be experiencing 1 of the following:
• You or someone you’re caring for are required to quarantine or self-isolate due to COVID-19
• You’ve experienced an incident of family and domestic violence
• You’ve had to leave your home because of a natural or other disaster not covered by a disaster relief payment
• You’ve arrived in Australia as a Humanitarian Entrant for the first time
• You were released from prison or psychiatric confinement.
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SEEK Australia

SEEK is a diverse group of companies that have a unified purpose to help people live more fulfilling and productive working lives and help organisations succeed. 
SEEK is an online employment marketplace. Find jobs and career related information throughout Australia.
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SANE Help Centre

The SANE Help Centre provides counselling support, information and referrals to adults who identify as having a complex mental health issue, complex trauma or high levels of psychological distress. 
SANE services include:
• Telephone counselling
• Online chat service
• Email counselling 
• Support and community forums.
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QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

QLife services are free and include both telephone and webchat support, delivered by trained LGBTI community members across the country. Services are for LGBTI individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals in Australia.

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