Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Domestic violence help
in regional WA
Sussex Street Community Law Service Inc provides a NSDS Accredited advocacy services to people with disabilities, their family members and carers.
It is an independent free and confidential service to people in the regional areas of the Mid West, Goldfields/Esperance and the Great Southern areas of Western Australia.
Each of our Red Cross Shops is stocked with a unique collection of quality pre-loved clothing, shoes, accessories and homewares.
The Children’s Contact Service provides safe, secure and child focused environments in which children can continue to have a relationship with a parent or family member that they do not live with. We assist families with changeover and offer supervised visits.
We provide free English language tuition through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). You may be eligible for AMEP if you are a migrant or humanitarian visa entrant. Learning English can help you to settle into your new life in Australia.
Our services are free, confidential and everyone is welcome.
Our services
Meals on Wheels is a community services which provides food deliveries of 3 nutritious meals to older individuals or those with disabilities. |
Affordable and pre – loved items including clothes and furniture.
The Birdcage is a Ladies social group that uses the Albany Menshed for a wide range of activities including Arts and Crafts.
The Birdcage is where members can meet, enjoy a Tea of Coffee, share experiences, participate in an activity or just have a chat in a friendly and safe environment.
St John Ambulance is responsible for receiving all State-wide emergency triple zero (000) calls requiring ambulance attendance.
The Southern Regional Medical Group is an Albany based general practitioners. Services include:
Shalom House provides ‘shelter based’ crisis accommodation for men (18 and over) who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. They provide residential care, assessment, individualised support, and referral to other support services. Clients are able to book in one day prior or on the day for up to 2 weeks at a time.