Below is a list of family support services, including family education and counselling services, family planning services, local day care options and government departments. If you cannot find local family services for your area, there is a list of state and national family support services at the bottom of this page.

Karratha Family Centre

Karratha Family Centre is a proactive community focused organisation which encourages the development and socialisation of  children. Striving to provide services for families, we work in association with a number of not for profit and government agencies to ensure the services we deliver truly reflect the needs of our community.
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Child Witness Service Karratha

The Child Witness Service provides practical information and helps children and young people emotionally prepare for court. Support is provided on an individual basis. Evidence is never discussed.
The Child Witness Service aims to:
• Reduce trauma for children giving evidence in court by appropriate preparation and support.
• Undertake assessments of a child’s needs in relation to giving evidence and advocate for the child to receive their entitlements under the legislation.
• Work with the WA Police Force and the Director of Public Prosecutions to ensure a child witness and their family are kept fully informed about the progress of a case through the courts.
• Help a child witness prepare a victim impact statement, even if the child is not required to give evidence.
It is not necessary to know for certain if the child is required to give evidence. Child victims and witnesses can receive support from the time charges are laid until the matter before the court is finalised.
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Yaandina Community Services – Mingga Services

The Mingga service plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of intoxicated and vulnerable people by providing transportation to the sobering-up shelter or to a safe place.

The Mingga service operates in the Roebourne and Wickham areas and travels a set route however this can be subject to change dependent on community need or unforeseeable circumstances. Children and young people are also provided with safe transport.

The Service aims to reduce contact between people and the criminal justice system and in particular avoid arrest and jail time.

The Mingga service continues to develop strong collaborative relationships with the local police, Government departments and other community groups who with prior notice can utilise the service for appointments, transportation and community events.

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Yaadina Community Services – Family Support

The Service provides holistic support services to families through a range of workshops and community opportunities to assist them to develop life skills, reduce social isolation and provide practical assistance and referral to other services when required. Practical support includes attending meetings with clients, letter writing, advocacy, literacy numeracy programs and emergency relief. Workshops provide crèche facilities and focus on life skills, craft work and parenting programs eg: cooking, storytelling, fun play with children.
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Mission Australia – Pilbara Family and Domestic Violence Coordinated Response Service

Pilbara Family & Domestic Violence Coordinated Response Service (CRS) assists victims of family and domestic violence who have had police attend an incident of family violence, which has resulted in a domestic violence incident report (DVIR). The CRS works alongside Western Australian Police, Child Protection and Family Support, and Department of Corrective Services, offering support to people at high risk of violence to build their safety, away from further abuse.

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Karratha Early Learning Child Care Centre

Karratha Early Learning Child Care Centre provides childcare to:

  • Nursery (0 – 2 Years)
  • Toddlers (2 – 3 Years)
  • Pre-Kindy (3-5 Years)
  • After School Care (5 – 12 Years)
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Department for Communities, Child Protection – Karratha

The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families. Contact them for assistance to access emergency accommodation and for other family supports.
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State and National Family Services Services

For When

Mental Health support for new and expecting parents. A judgement-free, national support and referral service by those who understand your needs at a time of change when becoming a parent. 
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Youth Crisis and Emergency Services

The department of child protection and family support provide and fund a range of child safety and family support services throughout the state including mandatory reporting investigations and training, Working with Children Checks, fostering and adoption services, counselling and outreach programs, crisis accommodation, homelessness services, and emergency services support.

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ForWhen helps you access local services based in your state or territory. 
Mental health support for expecting and new parents.  Will connect parents that are struggling to navigate the complex waters of pregnancy and new parenthood to the critical mental health services you might need most.  Provided by Australia’s early parenting services, including Ngala in WA
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DVassist Telephone Counselling Service

The DVassist counselling service is available Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 10 pm, via free call 1800 080 083 or webchat to anyone living in remote, regional, and rural Western Australia. We provide information and support for women, men and young people living in remote, regional, and rural Western Australia experiencing family and domestic violence.
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Dads in Distress

Free help for separated dads. Keeping dads alive and in their kids lives since 1999. Guaranteed 100% free, confidential and dad friendly. 
Services include:
• Support Helpline
• 24/7 Online Chat & Forum – Jump on to our Virtual Verandah, a private online platform allowing you to get & give help to dads nation-wide. 
• Online meetings; Talk live with dads just like you across Australia. All dads regardless of location are welcome to join any/ all online meetings.
• Physical Peer Support Groups
• Separation Checklist 
• External Support Links 
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1800RESPECT is a national sexual assualt and domestic violence counselling service.

1800RESPECT provide support and counselling for:

  • People experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, sexual assault, domestic or family violence
  • Their friends and family
  • Workers and professionals supporting someone experiencing, or at risk of experiencing sexual assault, domestic or family violence.

They can be contacted by phone or online chat, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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