Below is a list of mental health support services, including youth mental health support, community mental health programs, mental health organisations, hospital mental health services and mental health education programs. If you cannot find local mental health support services for your area, there is a list of state and national mental health support services at the bottom of this page, including those offering counselling and referral services.

Centacare Kimberley – Mental Health Support Service

Centacare Kimberley is able to offer people living with a mental illness the opportunity to access and maintain long term stable accommodation. Through a partnership with the Department of Housing, Centacare Kimberley is able to register a limited number of people on a dedicated waitlist that gives them priority access to a public or social housing tenancy.

To be eligible to access this program a person must have a diagnosed mental illness and be engaged with a medical practitioner (Doctor) or the Kimberley Mental Health Team in Broome. People who are in the Broome Mental Health Unit at Broome Hospital have priority access to this service, as the aim of the program is to support people with a mental illness who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

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Centacare Kimberley-Homelessness Support

Centacare Kimberley works with community groups to give people access to services such as, health and wellbeing support, tenancy support, drug and alcohol counselling, family and men’s relationship counselling, mental health support, emergency relief, and income support.

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Centacare Kalgoorlie – Goldfields Mental Health Portal

Goldfields Mental Health Portal will deliver place-based low intensity support and psychological interventions to people of the Goldfields-Esperance region. The Goldfields Mental Health Portal provides:

  • a comprehensive assessment
  • assistance with a safety plan
  • assistance with a recovery plan
  • care coordination
  • brief therapeutic interventions suited to your needs e.g. counselling, linkages to services and agencies
  • group activities, supports and workshops
  • digital and telephone support
  • remote area assistance (outreach).
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Call to Mind

Call to Mind is a telepsychiatry service that allows people across Australia to access quality mental health care. They have a team of psychiatrists ranging in availability and speciality to best meet your needs. Consults are held on a video-conferencing platform so you can attend your appointment from anywhere.

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Bunbury Grow Group

The Grow Program is based on a 12-step program of personal growth of mutual help and support. The Grow Program is all-inclusive and draws on many principles for mental, social and spiritual health. At each meeting, members share about how they came to GROW and how they are exploring self-improvement strategies on their road to recovery. Joining a Grow group is free – you don’t need to have a referral or a doctor’s diagnosis. Groups are confidential and members can choose to remain anonymous.

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Broome Health Campus

Broome Health Campus provides a 24 Hour Emergency Department and an acute psychiatric unit and paediatric ward.

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Boab Health – Mental Health Team Offer

Boab Health provide mental health services including:

  • Adult mental Health Services (include the Community Support program and the Integrated Care Management program)
  • Child Mental Health service (Child Mental Health services provide individual counselling to children aged 0-12 years with their parents and/or carers. This service aims to help children and families address common mental health concerns such as: anxiety and depression, sleep problems, social and emotional issues, attachment difficulties, emotional and behavioural dysregulation, grief, loss and trauma)
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Boab Health – ABLe

The ABLe program aims to improve the independence, participation and long-term lifetime wellbeing of people living in Wyndham who are affected by mental health issues, which includes issues with drug and alcohol misuse and/or gambling. This program includes building personal resilience and supporting participants to sustainably manage the impacts of their mental health issues. This program is open to people living in Wyndham, who are aged 16 to 65 years.

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Blue Knot Foundation

Blue Knot Helpline is a specialist service which support adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse, parents, partners, family and friends as well as the professionals who work with them.
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Bega Garnbirringu Health Service – Social and Emotional Wellbeing

The SEWB centre is located in a safe and confidential space and our focus is to increase participation and engagement of Aboriginal people in mental health services. It provides support with suicide and self-harm as well as problems with alcohol and other drugs.

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