Below is a list of education support services, including behaviour change programs, community education programs, protective behaviour programs, women’s support programs and relationship education. If you cannot find local education support services for your area, you can find a list of state and national education programs at the bottom of this page.

Communicare – Connect and Respect

Connect and Respect is a behaviour change program, specifically working with men and women who have been charged with family and domestic violence offences, against a partner, child or family member.
Connect and Respect is dedicated to improving the safety of women, children and men within the Western Australian community. They work directly with the individuals who have been charged with acts of abuse and violence, and seek to engage with and support those who have been impacted. 
Program Aims:
• Building people’s awareness of relationship violence and the significant impacts the trauma caused by this behaviour has across generations.
• Building people’s skills and efficacy to regulate their emotions and be present regardless of circumstance, enabling improved decision making.
• Building people’s capacity to hold themselves to account for their behaviour.
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Centacare Geraldton – Workshops & Courses

Centacare delivers a range of courses and workshops to develop the capacity of family members to deal with a range of situations.
Workshops include:
• Marriage Preparation Course (FOCCUS)
• Snuggles for Mums and Bubs
• Grief and Loss Workshop (for children & adults)
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Child Protection and Abuse Prevention Teacher Training

This service can provide:

  • Child Protection and Abuse Prevention professional learning for schools staff
  • Workshops for parents, community stakeholders and pre-service teachers
  • In-class mentoring for school staff
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Desert Blue Connect – Women’s Health Promotion

Desert Blue Connect provides free or low cost community health promotion, women’s health education and information, and in-school support to teachers with sexuality and relationship education.
Services we offer include:
• Women’s health seminars
• Healthy lifestyle programs
• Well-being sessions for professional development days
• Mental health workshops (i.e. anxiety management)
• In-school support for teachers and resources with sexual health education
• Support or self-help groups
Desert Blue Connect can offer the following specialist women’s health presentations:
• Breast health
• Cervical screening testing (understanding recent changes)
• Common vulval conditions
• Perinatal mental health
• Looking after yourself
• Menopause
• Sleep health for women
• Heart health for women
• Sex after baby
• Ovarian cancer
Please contact us to discuss availability and costs.
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Desert Blue Connect – Family Violence Counselling & Advocacy Service

This service provides counselling, support and intervention for families where family violence has occurred or is likely to occur.  Counselling sessions can be with individuals and families including children. The service also provides advocacy for those experiencing family violence, and provide assistance with:

  • Referrals to housing, financial or legal organisations
  • Risk assessment & safety planning
  • Applying for a family violence restraining order
  • Court support
  • Referrals to other agencies

Families can access the service by self-referral, other agency referral, by the Department of Child Protection and Family Support or directly from Police.

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Desert Blue Connect – Family Violence Intervention Service – Barndimalgu Court

This service offers support to Aboriginal women who have experienced family violence and their partners or ex-partners, who have been referred to the Barndimalgu Court. Service is by direct referral from Court.

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Desert Blue Connect – Men’s Community Intervention Service

The Men’s Community Intervention Service (MCIS) is for men who perpetrate family violence who are willing and motivated to seek assistance with their current circumstances and violent abuse.
We will work with men to provide case management and care co-ordination that includes:
•Initial risk assessment
•Victim support (face to face or by phone)
•Safety and accountability plan (case plan)
•Family agreement
•Support for fathering to keep children safe
•Information provision
•Ongoing risk assessment and risk management
•Support and advocacy
•Appropriate referrals
•Individual and group education (i.e. fathering, grief and loss, addiction)
•Transition planning
Criteria for service:
• Referrals from Police, Department of Justice, Department of Child Protection and Family Services and other local community services are accepted
• Men can also self-refer.
• Following assessment interviews, men are assessed for their eligibility for the service. Further referrals are offered when men are assessed as not eligible.
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State and National Education Services Services

WESNET – Safe Connections

The Safe Connections program provides tech-abuse advice to women who are experiencing technology-facilitated abuse as well as being able to provide women (and children) affected by domestic, family or sexual violence with a free Safe Connections phones and top-up credit (eligible clients can top-up 3 times in the financial year).

They also provide tech-abuse advice where they can organise appointments with one of our tech experts.

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MensLine Australia is the national telephone and online support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns. The service is available from anywhere in Australia and is staffed by professional counsellors, experienced in men’s issues.
MensLine Australia offers a range of ways to access their free, professional counselling and support services:
• Telephone
•Callback service – You may be eligible to receive up to six free telephone counselling sessions, scheduled at times to best suit your needs.
• Online chat counselling – text-based counselling available through the MensLine Australia website
• Video chat counselling – face-to-face counselling available through  Zoom Video Conferencing. 
• Assisted referrals
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1800RESPECT is a national sexual assualt and domestic violence counselling service.

1800RESPECT provide support and counselling for:

  • People experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, sexual assault, domestic or family violence
  • Their friends and family
  • Workers and professionals supporting someone experiencing, or at risk of experiencing sexual assault, domestic or family violence.

They can be contacted by phone or online chat, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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